13. Apologies.

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Its the next day. Both of them managed to end up in their room and leave what they did last night in the back of their heads.

Moonbyul POV:
(Song recommendation for this chapter- I realized I already have this song for a chapter but it fits really well aka the unknown guest - dean)

I wake up with a massive head ache. I look around the room and find solar hanging head first off her bed. I call out to her and find her with smeared lip stick all over her face as she shoots her head up.
She looks like she hasn't seen light in years. She makes a disgusted look as she looks at me. She scratches her head as she asks,
"What the hell happened to you?"
Confused, I respond back and say,
"I was just about to ask the same thing about you."
We both look at each other for a short period of time before I look at the clock. SHIT.
"I'm late for the test!"
I blast up and find my uniform and quickly put it on as solar gets up and starts grabbing my books and bag. Its 8:15, 15 minutes after the test started. I hope they'll still let me in. I rush over to solar and grab my stuff. She points at the mirror and tells me,
"Before you leave, you should handle this,"
I look at the mirror and see orange colored lipstick all over my face. I look closely at solar through the mirror's reflexion. The one on her face is a pinker color. That's weird. Getting off track, I wipe my lips with my sleeve and head out the door.
I run down the dorm halls down the stairs to the 2 years building within the span of 2 minutes. I blast through the door and all eyes are on me. I look at Ms. Esna as she does the same with me.
"Miss Moon Byul Yi, you're late."
I freeze.
"Ms. Esna I-"
Please have a seat, right next to YooA."
My heart drops as I turn my head and meet eyes with her. She looks as if she's about to cry. I can't help but stare.
"Miss Byul Yi, please."
I snap out of it and apologize: slowly moving to my seat. She looks away from me as I sit down. I wonder why she's looking at me this way. I can't think about this right now. The test was quite easy, so I finished with the rest of the class. As I turn it in and head out I feel someone grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room. It was YooA. She was walking so fast as if she was running. I couldn't get a word out for how unexpected this all was. We go up to the school roof and let goes as she walks off a bit further; having her back facing mine.
"What is this?"
She stands there looking up at the clouds in the sunny sky ignoring me.
"YooA, I don't know what happened yesterday and I have a huge head ache trying to think what happened after-"
"Its fine."
She turns around with tears running her face.
"I'm stupid for even thinking I could have you back that way, I'm sorry I made you do that last night..."
It hits me right then and there. I remember it all.

Flash back to last night.

I let her kiss me, knowing that it didn't feel right. The thoughts started going away as my lips met hers. I take a quick breath as she starts to move her hands onto my shirt: starting to lift it up. I move away. My face gets warm as she looks into my eyes and starts to frown. She quickly lets go and looks away.
"I'm sorry, I should go-"
"YooA wait,"
I grab her hand as she gets up. She looks down and quickly yanks her hand out of mine and storms out. I try going after her but I lose her in plain sight. Realizing what I have just done, I start panicking. What would solar think of me??!! I start to cry as I put my head against the wall. As I do so a door comes blasting open. It was solar, out of breath and tears-eyed. We lock eyes as we stand 3 feet apart from each other, stuck in this real life nightmare sort of thing.

Back to now

She interrupts me.
"Its okay. I know you want Solar, and she wants you."
I get this anger inside of me.
"I don't want you out of my life though."
She looks up as she wipes her tears.
"I- I,"
I take a deep breath as I remember what I did to Solar, what I did to myself and YooA.
"I still want to be friends, but I just can't deal with this right now. I just can't. I'm so sorry that I did this YooA, I never meant for any of this to happen."
She looks at me and smiles as even more tears fall from her face.
"Its okay, I understand."
As soon after she says those 4 words, she walks right past me as the sky soon becomes full of gray clouds. I stand there and look up. All there was to hear was the wind blowing and my soft cry. Sooner or later, I hear the door open. I turn my head and freeze right then and there. We stand only 20 feet away from each other, yet it feels further: as if We were on the opposite ends of the earth, and feel as if there was a barrier holding us apart. I look at her, as her gentle hand stays on the doorknob. Her face has lost its paleness, and gained some red. As we stand there, rain starts to fall from the gloomy clouds. My stomach starts churning as my heart starts beating faster and faster. Just like that night, I return to this feeling inside on this very rooftop. As soon as it starts to poor, she runs to my arms as I take her in. I put my hands on her face as I let myself into her. She's so cold, like she's made of ice. I wrap my arms around her as she clings onto me like never before.
"I just remembered what happened-"
"Me too, its okay."
She starts to cry as mine fade away with the rain drops falling onto me. I think about the first time we were here, and how it rained that night. Everything was so pure and gentle, but now spring is ending and the blossoms are leaving. I hold onto what I have and only have as I let the season fade away from me.

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