15. A fresh start.

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Moonbyul POV:
(Song recommendation for this chapter oh boy - red velvet)

(In continuation of previous chapter)
I actually needed time to see if things would work out between us after the incident from a week ago. Being truthful, I didn't like being lonely. I needed someone for those nights. Someone like her. I sensed she did too.
I pull her into me and kiss her neck and gently move down to her chest. Her night shirt is unbuttoned as she lays on her bed so innocently. I feel her start to unbutton mine as I move my way down once more. I look at her as a way of consent. She bites her lip and nods softly. At that very moment, I felt like we were in another world, another universe. Just you, and me; creating a chemical balance so rich and pure. Hearing her heartbeat get faster from me pleasing her makes me roll my eyes to the back of my head. As soon as we hit climax, I move to the side of her as she rolls on her side; facing her back to me. She fits just like a puzzle piece. She grabs my hand and puts it close to her chest.
I look at her tired eyes.
"Byul ah,"
She turns her head.
"I don't want to feel lonely anymore these nights I share with you."
She looks at the ceiling stars and follows with,
"I was thinking if things were going to be okay or not during that time.. but I realized something,"
She looks back at me with eyes so angelic.
"You just need to have faith."
"Why is that?"
She turns her body, facing mine.
"Don't we all need to have a little bit of faith?"
She pecks my nose and turns back facing the wall as she cuddles my arm. This had me thinking about earlier when Solar called YooA over. Does she know about me and her?? Maybe Hwasa and wheein slipped it out to her at one point. I was trying to get a laugh but out of all things.. of all PEOPLE, she chose her. Isn't that a little fishy?! I look at those stupid ceiling stars and think this to myself. Does she and her-NO!! Ugh snap out of it byul!! She would never. Like what she said,
"you just need to have faith."
I say quietly to myself as I fall asleep.
Startled, Solar and I jump up wide awake to the sound of our alarm. Its 5:30 in the morning. Today we have practice exams; which means there's only 3 weeks left of school.
I look at Solar who is rubbing her eyes and yawning like a child aside of the bed. I get up and bounce my finger on the tip of her nose.
"Good morning, sunshine."
She smiles as she blows a kiss at me as I walk away to the closet. I hum a sweet tune as solar hums to it as well. We both start dancing like nobody is looking as the sun rises. Our feet skipping around the floor while we fling our arms to the beat. I look at her as she spins around with her arms out, looking so care-free. I watch her look at the sun rising before us as she inhales the fresh morning air. It makes my heart warm to see her like this. If I had to describe her to anyone, I would use the word purity. You may be asking why I say this. The reason I used that word is self-explanatory. She is the light of my life. It amazes me how she could have the weight of the world on her back, and still be able to push that aside with a smile on her face. I stand there as I admire every single thing about her. She turns her head with her beautiful smile that makes me the happiest girl alive. She chuckles as she start putting on her uniform shirt as I do the same. As sunlight begins to fill the room, I turn over at solar who is putting on her favorite red lip tint. We recently changed into our summer outfits, so they're more flexible towards the weather. She manages to look somewhat amazing in it. Its a short sleeve button up white shirt, with the red skirt and white lining.I'm still wearing the same thing just in the summer colors, although I don't wear my blazer and cuff my sleeves do to the humidity. I finish tying my shoes and see her looking at herself in the mirror. I walk up behind her as I wrap my arms around the front of her. She grabs my hands as we both look at each other in the mirror. She smiles as she says,
"Look at us, how cute we are."
We turn our heads and get lost in each other's eyes. In that moment, in that time, in that place, I felt like I was home; I was warm and safe wrapped around her. I lean in and kiss her passionately as I treasure these little moments like this. As I move my face away we both look in the mirror once more. The two of us start laughing as she smeared her red lips all over mine.
"You look like you ate a million strawberries,"
Says solar as she laughs at me. I can't help but laugh too.
"Ahhh, solar! Just because you look good in this doesn't mean you have to try it on me!!"
I try to clean it up with my finger as she messes up my bangs.
"But I want to try it on you all the time if it means I get to make out with you."
She winks at me as I freeze with both wide eyed and wide mouthed. I watch her go get her bag as she looks back at me.
"Wha- wait! I'm completely fine with you doing that then!! Totally with this plan!! Of cours-"
She comes up to me and kisses me once more. Her lips are soft and buttery and taste like berries. She grabs my cheek as we make out once more. She moves her head away and I find myself light headed from the lack of oxygen. I smile like a goof as I gaze at her face.
"What a beagle you are."
She laughs as she squishes my face and opens the door.
"Come on babe, I'm starving."
I say wide-eyed.
She smiles at me and replies with,
"What? I'm hungry."
practically having hearts appearing above my head as I ignore the fact that I just got her lip tint all over my face again and follow her out the door.

(AHH SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN A BIT!! a lot has been goin on with me I broke up with my ex and school started as well but I figured out a way to be able to post more frequently, I'm going to make an extra chapter today or tomorrow just for you guys;) )

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