Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

It was a couple of days later and Louis and I were preparing to go on the Ellen Show. It was a bit more terrifying being just Louis and I instead of all of us boys. We had done only one interview just me and him but after it had happened we refused to do it again.

Management had made us do it one time since they thought fans would be suspicious if we never did an interview alone when I did them with just Niall all the time.

So really this was only the second one we had done together over the course of one direction and it was extremely nerve wrecking. "Louis, Harry you're on in one minute." A lady came by and my palms started to get sweaty.

"I swear you get nervous before every interview." Louis laughed behind me.

"Well these are nerve wrecking, we have to lie through this whole thing." I wiped my hands on my pants.

"You'll be fine." He soothed. "We've been lying for the past month and nothing bad has happened."

"I guess you're right." I nodded. We were shoved out onto stage, we waved to the crowd, shook hands with Ellen and sat down on the couch.

"Hello, hello. Louis and Harry." Ellen smiled warmly to us.

"Hello." I greeted.

"So you two have been out of the closet for a little over a month, how do you feel?" She asked.

"For myself, I think I feel free. Which sounds a bit cliché but it's just how I feel." Louis shrugged.

"For me it's um kind of like a weight lifted off my shoulders, you know? Like I had this burden of being in the closet that just held me down and now I feel like I'm light as a feather and have no worries." I said.

"I think it's quite fitting that your real interview about you two as a couple is with me since I do have experience with it." Ellen laughed.

Louis and I laughed as well, "Yeah, erm I think that's the way management had planned it." I chuckled.

"So speaking of your management, a lot of your fans that believed in this relationship before you confirmed it that management was forcing you to stay in the closet. Is that true?" She asked.

"No, no. Of course not." Louis shook his head. "Harry and I, we just didn't feel quite ready to come out. I feel like when you're in the spotlight it's a lot harder to come out since the whole world is watching you."

"That's understandable." She nodded. "What about your past girlfriends? Like Taylor Swift and Eleanor Calder."

"Yeah, they were beards for us. Management hadn't arranged them more of we set them up on our own." I explained.

"Got it." Ellen nodded. "So what do you guys do as a couple for fun."

"I mean, we like to watch movies together in our flat. We're just so used to doing things in the comfort of our own home that it's just a lot more fun for us to spend time with just each other." Louis explained.

"But you boys also like to go out." Ellen smiled. "The two of you were out a lot a couple of days ago."

"Yeah we were." Louis chuckled.

"So some people saw you guys doing a bit of dancing out at a club the other night." She started. "They said it was pretty dirty."

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