The Dream Date

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Oooommmmmgggggg!!!!! I can't believe it guys. We've reached #1 in general fiction.

Eiiii!!!! It's kinda unbelievable. Thank you so much guys for the love and support. This would've never been possible if you guys hadn't joined me in this journey.

*Sigh* I've a lot to say but here I'm resting myself because I want to save something for cessation ceremony. So the last words are, Thank You So Much Folks.

I love you guys. Umaaahhh!!!


"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us."

Shree's Perspective

"Where are we?" I queried as he parked the car near pedestal. We are in city outskirts, since I'd never been here before, I'd no clue about which place was. 

"You'll know. Wait for a moment." He murmured, stepping outside and opened the door for me.
Once out, I let my eyes roam around to appraise the beauty of nature. Yards away, only green grass was visible, we're in a meadow probably. The twilight sky had given a marvelous touch to the ambiance. Red and orange strokes of lights had filled the blue sky and patches of weary white clouds had been remarkably stitched. 

"Why are we here?" I questioned again, removing my hair that had blown on my face because of the gentle breeze. 

He chuckled at my ardor, "You're very restive, aren't you? I'm not going to tell you but I'm going to lead you there."

"Where?" I asked champing at the bit and he shoved his hands in his pocket, extracting a black satin stripe. I frowned looking at it, "A blindfold? You're going to blindfold me?"

"Trust me!" Two words all he said to stroke the strings of my heart, whirling me around and I let him tie the ribbon over my eyes.
He turned me around, "Is it tight? Are you comfortable?"
"Okay now tell me can you see anything?" He asked, and ESV snorted, 'Yup! I can see the whole universe through this cloth on my eyes. Genius?'

"No. Only darkness!" I replied nonchalantly and he clasped my palm with his, "Come!" 

"Are we here?" I asked as he suddenly stopped and he slowly untied the knot of the ribbon causing it to fall freely around my neck. I blinked my eyes and registered the surroundings. Ecstatic was one perfect world to describe it. My mouth opened ajar as I admired the sunset view. 

Right before me was a lake, and at the skyline, the red ball of halo like light was dipping inside it. The sky resembled the canvas of a maestro painter who'd tried to stroke all the colors to enliven his imagination and rubbing a thumb over it, had merged all of them. Upending their own whole entity. The time was frozen; silence wrapped everything in its translucent blanket as the chirping of birds came to an end, with the sun evanescing in the water.

n admirable impending sigh escaped my throat as I finally blinked my eyes after witnessing such a phenomenal sight. Words seemed paltry to define the beauty; it was one of those phenomena which can only be perceived. 

"You liked it?" Abhimanyu asked leaning to my ear and I whipped my neck to glance at him, "This is...Splendiferous. I've no words to describe the beauty." I giggled, staring back at the shimmering lake. His hands sneaked around my waist and his lips kissed my shoulder, "You are the real beauty. It isn't Splendiferous. You are!" He murmured, slowly and I blushed.

"How'd you find this place?" I asked out of the blue, in no time all my tiredness vanished, it seemed like I'd never been so jubilant as now.

"I came here first time when I was in IIT with my friends. Then our visits became often here and this turned into our spot." 

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