Colin Creevey

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Colin was lying on the grass, his eyes closed and his face devoid of any emotion. He almost looked like he was sleeping.

Colin, at eleven years telling Dennis to be brave and promising he would keep in touch and he would keep thinking of his brother even if he left to a school far away.

Twelve years old Colin, more mature and caring, fighting the bullies who bullied Dennis and coming home with a black eye and gave his portion of his food to his younger brother because it was his favorite food.

Thirteen year old, Colin ecstatic that his younger brother was sorted into Gryffindor and looked out for him every day of his life, helped him with homework, spells and his nervousness.

Fourteen year old Colin defying rules and joining a secret defense club, to learn to defend himself and his brother.

Fifteen year old Colin trying to shield his younger brother from whatever was happening and trying to keep him happy.

Sixteen year old Colin, who had become unidentifiable, secret keeper of the Dumbledore's Army, brave fighter and courageous warrior yet a loving and caring brother.

"You made me promise that I would not take part in the battle", Dennis thought.

Colin knew that he was going to die, the instant he saw the green light coming out of Dolohov's wand. He thought of his brother, Dennis who told him that he loved him before the battle started and that was his last thought.

"Colin, what am I going to do without you? How am I going to tell our parents? Not 'our parents' anymore.", he thought and collapsed into the ground.

"You look like me, when your eyes are closed, almost like me. I'm going to miss you, brother ", he thought .

He suddenly remembered a day when he was three and Colin five. He had scribbled all over Colin's homework. Colin had worked for so many hours and drew a picture. But he scribbled all over the picture. Colin saying, " You draw as well as me" and framing the picture. He didn't know if it was real or not but remembering it felt good. He could have been angry and hit his brother, but he didn't and he couldn't because he was Colin. Colin could never ever hurt his brother.

Colin, always patient, always caring, always loving , always smiling.

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