Harry, Ron and Draco

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                   Four months later
                      September 1st

" I'm going to miss you", Harry said.

"Same here", Ginny said.

"Look's like the train is going to leave. Be safe and keep in touch", he said.

"I will. I will owl you every day", she said.

"Yeah. I love you", he said.

"I love you too", she said.

He glanced at Ron and Hermione who were probably having the same conversation.

He stepped back from the train and waved at Ginny, who was waving back at him.

He watched the train go. Ron came and stood beside him.

Ron glanced at Draco who was waving at Astoria, his girlfriend.

"Let's go home, mate", Ron said.

"Yeah. Okay", he said.

Ron and Harry were Aurors now. There were still hunting death eaters. A few of them like Yaxley had escaped before the battle.

Draco Malfoy had also become an Auror now. He was no longer the bully who always tormented them. He had now become their friend. The three of them were a team. During most of the missions, they preferred to work as a team and were better as a team.

Harry missed Ginny terribly as much as Ron missed Hermione.

Ron and Harry were now living in 12, Grimmauld place for quite sometime now.

Arthur and Molly had gone on a trip. They felt like they wanted to go somewhere for sometime. Everyone missed Fred terribly even after four months.

Draco's girlfriend Astoria Greengrass had also decided to go to Hogwarts this year. Draco too now lived with Harry and Ron in the Order's headquarters.

They often drank and laughed and cried and teased each other. They owled their girlfriends every day of their lives and Hermione, Ginny and Astoria would visit them during the weekend.

George was now working in his joke shop. His friends Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson were helping him run the shop. Losing his twin was a terrible blow but he was doing well with his friend's and family's support.

Harry visited his godson often. He loved Teddy. Making him laugh, rocking him to sleep, singing him a lullaby and comforting him when he was crying and even changing his diapers. Harry loved doing things for Teddy. He was only five months.

Andromeda Tonks was doing an incredible job of raising him. Often, Harry, Ron and Draco would visit Andromeda and spend time with Teddy.

Ron was very good with babies than the other two. Teddy stopped crying the instant he came into Ron's arms. Harry and Draco doubted it was because he was like Molly.

All three of them had lost friends and family in the war. But they found family and friends after the war too.

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