The Next Generation

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Teddy Lupin -

Dangerous combination of nerd and prankster. Wastes time doing nothing still manages to get top grades. Gets attached to people easily, very sensitive and adorable. Manages to give competition to the Marauders and the Weasley Twins. Prefect and Head Boy. Goes on to become an Auror. Helps hufflepuff win the House Cup and loves Neville Longbottom, the head of his house. Godson of Harry Potter. First word was 'woof' trying to say wolf as his grandmother would often tell him stories of wolves.

Victoire Weasley-

Perfect example of beauty and brains. Gets sorted into Hufflepuff( her mom was extremely loyal to Harry). Knows is beautiful but doesn't care. Breaks tradition of Weasleys getting sorted into Gryffindor. Star seeker like her mother. Is very obedient and studious until Teddy Lupin spoils it all. Her godfather is Charlie Weasley.

Rose Weasley-

Breaks the tradition of Weasleys having red hair. Has bushy hair like her mother. Exceptionally bright. Reads all the rules at Hogwarts so that she could break it. Constantly gets detention for sneaking into the library after hours. Points out flaws in her cousins' pranks and helps them pull it off. Apple of her father's eyes. A good keeper of Ravenclaw ( because of her mother). Her godfather is her grandfather Mr. Granger.

James Sirius Potter-

Prankster but clumsy. Keeps recieving detention until Teddy teaches him how to prank without getting caught. Chaser like his mother. Is an exact replica of his father except for his eyes. Rare case of Potter getting spoilt by a Lupin. Accidentally calls professor McGonagall 'mom'. Is supposed to be an elder sibling but has to be taken care of by younger brother. Godson of Ronald Weasley. FIrst word was 'ell' trying to copy his godfather saying ' Bloody hell'.

Albus Severus Potter-

Brilliant at Potions, much to the surprise of his parents. Seeker like his father. Messy black hair with emerald green eyes. The 'Mom' friend of the group.Gets sorted into Slytherin. Doesn't use father's name to escape unlike his brother. Wants to have a low profile and not interested in fame. Idiolizes his professor and godfather Neville Longbottom. Thinks mom is cooler. Forms friendships quickly but will do anything for his friends.

Lily Luna Potter-

Was imagined as a studious and nerdish girl, ended up as the most badass of all cousins. Popular, funny and intelligent. Favourite of Harry. Giant prankster and a brilliant chaser. Makes everyone think twice before messing with her. "Dude, don't mess with her, she can destroy you", kind of girl. Short- tempered but sweet. She can be an angel or demon based on how you treat her. Her godfather is Dudley Dursley, her father's cousin.

Hugo Weasley-

Cinnamon roll. Thickly knit with friends and family. Looks exactly like his father. Hilarious, loyal and witty. The 'Talk anything about me but if you talk something about my friends, I'll kill you even before you know it' . Favourite of Hermione, Harry and Ginny. Good at WIzard chess and is the keeper of Gryffindor. The one who will paints skies purple and suns green because he felt like it. Too pure for this world.

Lorcan and Lysander Scamander-

Inspite of being twins are sorted into different houses ( like the Patil twins). Family is everything. Apologises to plant for stepping over it. Doesn't care about fame. Exceptionally good at Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Have each other's backs always. Doesn't care about other's opinions. Helps grandad run 'The Quibbler'. Tries to study together and ends up having a major difference of opinion.

Fred Weasley-

Follows footsteps of Teddy Lupin and creates a name for himself. Always in the mood for puns, jokes and pranks. Gets sorted into Slytherin( because of his ambitiousness). Has never failed to make someone laugh. Helps dad by giving ideas for his new products. A good Beater, helps budding pranksters by giving pointers. Pretty popular, wakes up in the middle of the night and notes down idea for his latest prank. Doesn't care about grades but gets good ones nevertheless.

Scorpius Malfoy-

Everyone thinks he is rude and evil but is actually like a puppy. Is the kind of friend who joins in something stupid just because his friend is doing it too. Gets top grades and has a mental breakdown once in a while. Has very few friends but is extremely close. Will sacrifice life for others without a second thought. The one who gets the joke after someone explains it to him ten times. Is judged and teased but doesn't care. The one who waits for the red lights to change in GTA. The world doesn't deserve him.

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