Neville Longbottom

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                      Six weeks later

Nightmares were now as common as dreams to me. Voldemort often appeared in my dreams. I wake up shouting, screaming and panicking until I realize that he is dead.

I had cast a silencing spell on my room, so my grandmother didn't hear me. I walked downstairs to drink some water.

I lay awake on my bed.

Dolohov killing Colin and Colin lying motionless on the ground.

Lavender Brown, being attacked by Greyback and succumbing to her injuries.

I closed my eyes, the battle is still raging on. Harry dead in Hagrid's arms. I pull the sword from the hat and try to kill the snake. But I miss narrowly and Voldemort shouts, "Avada Kedavra", green light from his wand killing me.

"No, Voldemort's dead. He is dead ", I keep saying.

Hannah and I met Susan and Ernie yesterday. Susan was looking very pretty with her baby bump. They asked me to be their baby's godfather.

I think about the war. The fallen fifty. All those young children, who died, guarding Hogwarts, fighting a war they didn't ask to be in. Fighting for a cause they didn't even know. All the repair work in Hogwarts was over, but the repair done to the minds and hearts of the students. It was beyond repair. No one could say Hogwarts is like home. I wasn't sure I could think of any good memories there without thinking of the war.

No one could say they felt secure in Hogwarts. Every time, they would remember the Battle of Hogwarts, the brave Gryffindors putting their lives on the line and fighting against people who were twice or thrice as old as them.

The loyal Hufflepuffs fighting because they couldn't stand idle seeing the Gryffindors fighting all alone. "It's our Hogwarts, we have a moral duty", they thought.

The Slytherins watching their fellow students beat their own parents, not knowing what to do. To be loyal to their parents or their friends ? To be on the wrong side or betray their own parents?

The teachers casting every spell to protect the students. The first, second and third years huddling in the room of requirement. Not knowing what to do.

I tossed and turned in my bed but couldn't get a wink of sleep. I finally gave up on sleep and walked downstairs.

Compared to what I was facing now, fighting in the battle seemed way better.

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