Nymphdora Tonks

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"I'm going, mum. I can't sit here and watch Remus going all alone. I can't sit here and watch Hogwarts getting destroyed. I must go mom", she said.

"But Teddy ", I said.

"We'll be back, mom. Don't worry ", she said hugging me.

An uncomfortable silence hung around us.

She kissed Teddy on the top of his forehead and said, "Goodbye, mom. Love you".

She always wanted to make it. Live for  her son, but she didn't know if she could.

She took a piece of paper and wrote hastily -

"Dearest Teddy,

                            Today, Hogwarts is in trouble and I must go. I don't know what is going to happen today but remember I love you, I started loving you as soon as I knew you were in my womb, and I will love you, always even if I'm not alive. Daddy loves you too. We are fighting so that you can have a safe and secure life.

I want to hear your first word, see your first step, watch you get your letter, congratulate you when you pull your first prank, console you when you have your first heartbreak, stand beside you when you get married and cry with you when you have your first child. But I don't know if that will happen. But remember, mum and dad will always love you, even after we're gone.          
                                                Lots of love,

McGonagall owled me saying you-know-who was been killed. But Nymphdora and Remus hadn't made it.

I felt like the whole world stopped.

" Dora", I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks. Teddy started crying and I rushed into the nursery.

I rocked him and sang a song but he didn't stop crying. "How did you find out, Ted? How did you find out that mumma and daddy are gone?", I whispered.

He finally fell asleep and I walked into my bedroom.

I opened an album and glanced at the first photo, Dora, at two minutes crying.

Dora at three, with pink hair ,on the back of Ted.

Dora at six with brown hair, attending muggle school, smiling into the camera in her uniform.

Dora at nine, with shocking blue hair, standing beside Ted, waving at the camera.

Dora at eleven, with green hair, holding her letter and grinning.

Dora at thirteen, having yellow hair, because it was her house's colour and hugging Ted.

Dora at sixteen, going back to brown hair and laughing with Ted.

Dora at nineteen, with pale white hair and standing beside Ted, her arms around him.

Dora at twenty three, holding hands with Remus, in her wedding gown and smiling.

I broke down and cried for hours. I finally got up after some hours to feed Teddy.

It was horrible, seeing your husband, your daughter and your son-in-law die within months. But, I have to move on, not for me. But at least for Teddy.

I collapsed into bed, exhausted from crying.

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