Colin Creevey

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                       A Week Later

"Dennis, it's been a week, you've haven't even come out of your room",my mom said.

I don't say anything.

She sat beside me and said, "Dennis, I know how hard it is for you, it is hard for me too".

I turn my face to look out of the window.

"Dennis, please, I have already lost one son and I don't want to lose you too. Come and eat something please Dennis", she said.

I look at my mom, she had Colin's hazel eyes. I had dark brown eyes like my dad.

"Please, Dennis, please", she said.

I get down from the bed, reluctantly and walk into the dining room.

"Hi Dennis",my dad says.

I nod at him and start eating.

As soon as I finish eating, I go back to sitting on my bed and looking at Colin's photos.

My dad comes inside and pats my head and says "Dennis. How long are you planning to be like this? Go for a walk, read something, go out with your friends, play some sport. We know, Dennis. How much you loved Colin and looked up to him and would have even given him your life. But you must accept that he is gone. There is no use in sitting in bed all day, looking at his photos and crying. It's hard for us too. Losing our son in a war and a war we didn't ask him to fight in. Your mom and I are grieving too. But we are trying to stay strong for you. You should try to be too. We love you, son.  Colin wouldn't want you to be like this. He would want you to be happy. You should try at least for his sake".

"You're right, dad", I say, swallowing hard.

"Good, kiddo", he says.

I get up, shower and owl Euan Abercrombie, my brother's best friend.

"Mom, Dad I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in fifteen minutes ", I say.

"Dennis, be careful ", my mom says.

"Sure thing", I say and step out of my house , for the first time in days.

"Colin, I'm going to try to be happy for you", I say.

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