Fred Weasley

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"Hi, George", Harry says.

George nods at me and goes into his bedroom.

"Has been like this since Fred died. He has lost so much weight. Hasn't eaten properly or talked properly. Cries all the time. I thought I would never see the day when George does not laugh. But I don't know Harry, all the laughter, the life, it's missing ", Ginny says.

I knock on George's door and he opens it.

"Do you mind if I come in? ", I ask.

He shakes his head and steps aside.

He was standing in front of a mirror and crying, I realize.

" I'm going to tell you something, after Sirius died. I was heart broken, I didn't know what to do, didn't want to do anything, I hardly talked with anyone. Then, Dumbledore called me and said, "Harry, the ones you love may have left you, but their love for you doesn't in any way become less. And even though, they are not with you, they would want you to be happy and move on". George ask yourself "Will Fred want me to cry and grieve and starve?". If the answer is a 'no'. Try to become who you were, at least for his sake. The choice is up to you, George", I say.

"And the more you talk about them.  The more easier it is. Do you want to talk about him, George? ", I ask.

He nods and says, "Fred, he was my brother, my best friend, my partner in crime, my equal part. We were like two pieces of a puzzle, we would make sense only together. He would say what I was thinking and I would do what he was planning. It was always like that. Our thoughts, our ideas, our words, everything was the same thing, most of the time. We completed each other's sentences and thoughts. Waking up and seeing his bed empty is killing me. And, living without him is hell. I can't even look at a mirror, without thinking about him. It's horrible, I feel empty, I feel like something is missing. It's like I can talk about us for the whole of my life, but it still won't be enough. We didn't even need words, I look at him and I know exactly what he is thinking. I didn't even know I loved him so much and I never told him, because I thought we still had a lot of time. It's like I wanted him beside me to function, that's how we were. To everyone, it was always Fred and George , George always sounds different, I haven't heard anyone calling me George, it was always Fred and George. I miss him so much, Harry".

I smile sadly and put an arm around his shoulder.

He cries into my shoulder for a long time and says, "Thanks Harry".

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