Ron and Hermione

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Age 24 ( Halloween, 2004)

"Good morning", Ron said, handing Hermione a cup of coffee.

"Good morning", Hermione said, sipping the coffee.

"Its beautiful", Ron said, looking at the Eiffel Tower from their room. They were now holidaying in France. Ron had taken a small break from his Auror duties and Hermione had applied for a month- long holiday.

*** Flashback ( 2 days earlier)***

"Hermione, I shouldn't be saying this but I think Ron is going to propose to you in France", Ginny said.

"How did you find out?", Hermione asked.

"He was talking with Harry. He's very nervous about it. He's afraid he's gonna mess it up", Ginny said.

"Any advice?", Hermione asked.

"Don't worry. You are already perfect for each other", she said.

Evening of Halloween

"Hermione, are you ready?", Ron asked.

"How do I look?", Hermione asked, smoothing her red gown.

"You look amazing as always", Ron said .

Hermione blushed and both of them walked to the tower.

"Wow", both of them said in unison. The tower looked beautiful glittering in the dark as though a thousand 'Lumos' was cast on it.

"Hermione. Thirteen years ago, I became your friend on this day. I thought you were a bossy know-it-all. I had no idea you were going to be the one. I have been an idiot many times. Argued with you, ignored you. But, I have never not loved you. You are amazing, Hermione. I don't know what I did to deserve you. Will you give me the honour of marrying you?", Ron said, going down on one knee.

Hermione nodded, wiping away her tears.

"The honour is mine, Ronald Weasley", she said.

He stood up and took out a ring from his pocket and said, " It belonged to my uncle Bilius. He gave it to me before he died".

"Its beautiful. Something is written on the inside. Swish", Hermione read.

"Yeah, I engraved Swish on your ring and Flick on mine", Ron said.

"It was so thoughtful of you", Hermione said.

"Always the tone of surprise", Ron said, grinning from ear to ear.

"So, lets exchange the rings", Hermione said and put the ring on Ron's finger.

He put the ring on Hermione's finger and said," I love you, Hermione".

"I love you too, Ron", she said

Both of them climbed to the top of the tower.

"Hermione, do you know why I chose Paris?", Ron asked.

"Because it's the 'City of Love'?", Hermione asked.

"Your parents got engaged here too. They told me when I asked them if they were okay with me marrying you. So, I thought we should get engaged here too", Ron said.

Hermione couldn't speak for some time but he understood.

They watched the city from the top of the tower but it was quite useless, as both of them were either staring at each other most of the time or kissing.

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