Harry and Ginny

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Quidditch World Cup Final, 2003

"Scared?", Harry asked, siiting beside Ginny.

"What does 'scared' mean?", Ginny asked and both of them burst out laughing.

"You look good", Ginny said.

Harry had bought a replica of Ginny's uniform with Weasley 6 written on its back to cheer her.

"Thanks. You'd better eat soon. We have to leave", Harry said.

"When are the others coming?", Ginny asked.

"All of them are coming directly to the match. Let's leave", Harry said and both of them disapparated.

The stadium was filled with thousands of witches and wizards cheering. The dtadium was more spectacular than he imagined.

"All the best, Ginny", Harry said and kissed her quickly before leaving to join the rest of the Weasleys.

Holyhead Harpies won the match with a wide margin. After an hour of interviewing, GInny returned to the stands.

Arthur and Molly hugged Ginny first and said, "We're so proud of you, Ginny"

Bill( Fleur couldn't attend the match as she was pregnant) and Charlie hugged her next and said, " You were amazing, Ginny"

Percy hugged Ginny and said, "Brilliant"

George and Angelina hugged her too and said, " That's my sister".

Ron and Hermione hugged her and nodded at her.

"Hi, Harry", Ginny said.

"Hey", he said, a wide smile plastered to his face.

"Harry James Potter, will you marry me?", Ginny asked, going down on one knee.

A thousand cameras flashed in their direction and there were a lot of audible gasps from the audience.

Harry was in shock but managed to nod and they exchanged rings.

"Everyone, give them a little privacy", Molly was saying and shooed the rest of the Weasleys from the Quidditch pitch.

"You okay? You seem awfully silent", Ginny said.

"No. It was just a bit surprising and I should have proposed to you. I'm sorry", Harry said.

"You're happy right?", Ginny asked.

"Of course. I am. I'm getting married to the most amazing girl ever created and the one I've always loved", he said.

Ginny blushed.

"You should blush more often. You become more beautiful when you blush", he said.

Ginny smiled and elbowed him playfully.

" I love you, Ginny", he said.

" I love you too, Harry", she said.

" I was actually planning to propose to you on your birthday", Harry said.

"And I spoiled it", Ginny said.

"No, this was better actually. Now that the final match is over, can we go somewhere?", he asked.

"Anywhere", Ginny said and kissed him.

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