Last thoughts

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James Potter-

The last emotion James felt was hope. He hoped that Lily and Harry would survive, somehow, even though he knew very well it was almost impossible. His last thought was, "Please God, Lily and Harry should survive".

Lily Potter-

The last emotion Lily felt was fear. She was standing in front of the darkest wizard of her time, trying to protect her son. She didn't mind dying for her son but she feared what would he do to her son after he killed her. Her lost thought was, " Harry should live".

Sirius Black-

The last emotion Sirius felt was contentment. He saw that his godson was safe and nothing else mattered to him. He had died protecting him. He would have died a thousand times to protect him. His last thought was, "I've protected Harry".

Fred Weasley-

The last emotion Fred felt was happiness. He knew he was dying but he was happy that his ministry-loving brother,Percy had finally understood that family is the most important thing. He died, knowing that his family was together again. His last thought was, "Nothing should happen to my family".

Colin Creevey-

The last emotion Colin felt was sadness. He knew that he was going to die and he could only think of his younger brother. He understood war was unfair and life was unfair. He wanted to spend more time with his brother. His last thought was, " I hope Dennis remains safe".

Remus Lupin-

The last emotion Remus felt was anger. For the whole of his life, every time something good happened, it was snatched away from him in front of his own eyes. He had suffered all his life from being bitten by a werewolf to dying before even seeing his son speak his first word. He was angry with life. His last thought was, " Tonks should make it ".

Nymphadora Tonks-

The last emotion Nymphadora felt was heartbreak. She saw her husband die from the corner of her eye and didn't care about anything anymore. She collapsed in tears, aware of the green light coming from Bellatrix's wand. Her last thought was, " I love you, Teddy".


The last emotion Dobby felt was pride. He was going to die any minute but he had repaid Harry who had gave him his freedom and showed him love, friendship and affection. He had sacrificed his life for the person who had given him a new life. His last thought was, " I've saved Harry Potter".


The last emotion Albus felt was longing. He had lived a long life. He had earned respect and admiration and honour. But, he had never known love. He was longing to meet his family, beg them for forgiveness and ask them for a chance to start over. His last thought was, "I'm going to meet Ariana".


The last emotion Cedric felt was regret. He hadn't told anyone that he loved them. Not his father, not his mother, not his friends and not Cho. He hadn't thought that he would die so early. His last thought was," I should have told them that I loved them".

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