Teddy Lupin

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"Promise me that you won't get into trouble", Andromeda Tonks said to her grandson, who was now starting his first year at Hogwarts.

"I promise", Teddy Lupin said.

"Take care and keep in touch", Harry said.

"Yeah, I will", Teddy said.

"Bring pride to your house. It doesn't matter which house you are sorted into ", Draco said.

"Okay", Teddy said.

"Goodbye then", Andromeda Tonks said.

The train started moving and Teddy waved at all three of them.

"Hey, Ted. Do you mind if I sit here? ", Neville asked.

"Of course not, Neville", Teddy said.

"It's Professor Longbottom, Ted", Neville said.

"And it's Mr. Lupin not Ted", he said.

"My bad. I bought a chocolate frog. Do you want it? ", Neville asked.

Teddy nodded and took the chocolate frog.

"How are Hannah, Frank, Alice and Augusta ?", Teddy asked.

"All of them are fine. We're planning to shift to Hogsmeade, so that I can spend more time with them", Neville said.

"The Leaky Cauldron? ", Teddy asked.

"Our best friends, Susan and Ernie will take care of it", Neville said.

"Whose card did you get? Mine, I hope? ", Neville said.

Teddy gave his card to Neville and turned away to hide his tears.

Neville read the card .

Remus Lupin, his favorite professor and his wife were waving at him. He put a hand around Teddy's shoulder.

"Your father was my professor, once. He was the best we have ever had. He was so brave and intelligent. I hadn't met your mom often but I knew she was incredibly strong as well", he said.

Teddy didn't say anything.

"I never knew my parents too. They were alive but only barely. They  never recognized me. Yet, I go and see them atleast once in a month in a hope that by some miracle they would recover. I have always yearned for their love, even after all this years. Your father told me that just because someone isn't with you, their love for you doesn't get lesser in any way. They would always want you to be happy, with or without them. His advice stuck with me. Your parents loved you too, they died to make this world a better place for you. Don't worry, Teddy", he said.

"I'm sorry about your parents. I'm sure they would be proud of you ", Teddy said.

"Thanks, Ted", Neville said, ruffling his blue hair.

"Why don't you change your hair color? Blonde or black or brown? ", Neville said.

"No", Teddy said.

"Whatever", Neville said.

They reached Hogwarts and Neville said, "Take care, Ted. I will see you during the sorting".

"Hello, Neville. How are Hannah and the kids?", professor McGonagall asked, hugging him.

"All of them are good. Professor, Teddy is starting this year", Neville said.

"How could I forget? And it's Master. Lupin, Neville", McGonagall said.

"Sorry, let's go to the sorting", he said.

"Hufflepuff!", the hat shouted, as professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on his head.

Many of them were clapping but no one was clapping as loud as Neville who was delighted beyond extent.

As soon as the feast was over, Neville pulled Teddy aside and said," As head of your house or as your professor, you shouldn't expect any special treatment, okay Master Lupin? ".

"Yes sir", Teddy said and bowed to him.He had changed his hair color to half black and half yellow according to his house colours.

"And I take back what I said about your hair. Can you change it to blue again? Your hair looks ridiculous", Neville said.

Teddy pretended to think for a minute but said, "No! " and went over to the common room.

Neville shook his head smiling and went to his quarters.

And in the seven years, he hadn't seen a prankster greater than Teddy Lupin who was nowhere near Remus who was so obedient. He took after his mother in pranking and with his Metamorphagus abilities, Minerva and he had no proof to blame him.

He knew it was Teddy but couldn't do anything. He himself had been present at the time of the Weasley twins but they seemed harmless compared with Teddy. Yet, he became the Head Boy and during all of his years at Hogwarts, he helped Hufflepuff win the House Cup. Neville always considered Teddy as his own son and Hannah did too. His son Frank Longbottom and daughter Alice Longbottom were sorted into hufflepuff too like their mother and Neville was trying his best not to be partial. All three of them were constantly up to pranks and slipped away most of the time. He constantly tried to lecture the three of them but it was of no use.

However his youngest daughter, Augusta Longbottom was sorted into Gryffindor like him. Hannah had taken up a post at Hogwarts' hospital wing. Teddy finished his N. E. W. T's and had become an Auror like his mother and his godfather. Teddy Lupin looked like his father, in spite of his ridiculous hairstyles and his constantly changing eye colour.

Teddy Lupin, Prefect, Head Boy and Auror, a good grandson and a good guy. Mischievous but good. Funny but sensitive. He married Victoire Weasley, daughter of Bill and Fleur Weasley, who had been sorted into Hufflepuff too.

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