Colin Creevey

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                     Six months later

I waved at my parents from the Hogwarts Express. I lifted my trunk and said my goodbyes and got down from the train. I hugged my mom and my dad and we drove home.

"How is Hogwarts, Dennis? ", my mom asked.

"Not bad, mom", I said.

"Not bad? You told Hogwarts looked exactly like the castles they show in the movies", she said.

"It still looks like it. But most of the staff has changed and the strength has become smaller", I said.

"Oh! ", my mom said.

"Do you want to visit him?", my mom asked.

I nodded.

My dad drove to his grave. My parents had insisted on burying him here.

"He was born here and he should be buried here. I don't want my son to be buried in a castle some distance t", she said.

Snowing was falling slowly around us. I bought some flowers from a florist and wiped some snow from his grave. I placed the flowers on his grave and stood beside my mom and dad.

Both of them squeezed my shoulder and we drove home.

The past few months were pure torture. I got up in the middle of the night, thinking I heard his voice. I walked past his classroom and thought he would still be inside. I walked to the Great Hall and searched for him before realizing.

We entered our home and I went into my bedroom to keep my trunk.

"Which movie do you want to see? The Polar Express again? ", my mom asked.

"A Christmas story", I said with a small smile.

Colin and I always shared a few inside jokes during a few scenes. More, out of habit, I kept turning involuntarily towards my left to give a 'do you remember? ' look at Colin as I did every year.

I looked at the empty couch and bit my lower lip.

                  *** Flashback ***
                    Eight years back

"Mom, I want to see 'A Christmas Story', please mom", Colin(nine years) begged.

"Polar Express", Dennis ( seven years) said.

"No. A Christmas story", Colin said.

"Polar Express", Dennis said.

After several hours of arguing, they finally saw 'The Polar Express'.

Every year, during Christmas, Dennis and Colin would fight over which movie to watch. Dennis won, usually, as Colin would give in just to make his younger brother happy.

                     *** Present***

"I walked into Colin's bedroom and opened his wardrobe. Inside was a small gift and a piece of paper. I started reading the paper.

"Dearest Dennis,

                    Soon, there is going to be a war at Hogwarts. I don't know if I'll survive it. I want to survive for you. But I don't know. With this letter, I've attached a small gift. Hope you like it. And I remember how we used to fight to choose which movie to watch during Christmas. I love you, Dennis. Until the end of the world. Now go and open the gift".

I kept the letter safely on the bed and opened the gift. It was a photograph of us when I was three and he was five. I don't even remember this happening. Colin and I were pointing sticks at each other as though they were wands. Huge smiles plastered to our faces.

I wanted to break down but I squeezed my chain. It was Colin's D.A coin. As soon as Neville and Oliver brought his body, I checked his pockets and took out this coin. I attached it to a chain and held it
whenever things got tough.

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