Hermione's parents

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                       A month later

"Mrs. Weasley, I have to go and find my parents. Can Ron accompany me? ", Hermione asked.

"Of course dear", Mrs. Weasley said.

"Mom, but all of you are still grieving. I can't just go like that. It wouldn't be fair to all of you", Ron said.

"Ron. Think of Hermione. For a whole year, she hasn't met her parents. She has sacrificed so much for the war. You think it's easy for her? Think of everything from her side", Molly said.

"Okay. I'm sorry, Hermione. I have been selfish. I never thought about your parents. I'm sorry ", Ron said.

"It's okay, Ron", Hermione said.

"When are we leaving? ", Ron asked.

"In three days", Hermione said.

"How are we going? ", Ron asked.

"We are flying in an airplane", Hermione said.

"Oh okay", Ron said.

Hermione had issued for passports for herself and Ron as soon as she obliviated her parents. She didn't know they would be in a relationship then, but she knew Ron would come with her to restore her parent's memories.

                 Three days later

After bidding goodbyes to everyone, Hermione and Ron were riding in a taxi to the airport. Ron was awfully silent for the journey. He is still thinking about Fred, Hermione thought. She reached over and squeezed his hand. He smiled at her but there was no happiness in it.

They finished all the formalities and sat inside the airplane.

"All this is muggle made? Bloody hell, Hermione. It's awesome", Ron said.

The flight took off. Ron closed his eyes and was holding Hermione's hand tightly. Hermione reached over and kissed him on his cheek.

It felt as though he was her 'Ron' again. Joking, teasing, irritating 'Ron'. But he became silent once again.

Hermione didn't know what to do. Console him or give him space. It was driving her mad.

"Talk about it ", Hermione said suddenly.

"What? ", Ron said.

"Talk about Fred, Ron. Anything, anything at all", she said.

For the next hour, she listened quietly to him.

"I feel better. Thanks Hermione", he said.

They reached Australia and searched for her parents. As soon as Hermione restored their memories, her mom said, "You finally told him".

Ron blushes deeply and so did Hermione. They spent the next few days in Australia, joking and smiling and laughing.

"Thanks Ron", Hermione said.

"No. I should be the thanking you, Hermione. I needed a change and you gave exactly that. You are amazing ", he said.

"Always the tone of surprise", Hermione said.

Ron laughed and kissed her .

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