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Mia's POV

I know where the adoption centre is so I head straight there, I scrape my feet along the ground, as my bag hangednover my shoulder. My brown long hair is moving in the wind and my eyes are hurting, and I feel so weak.

The medication is wearing off and the pain in my hand is starting to come back.

I speed up my pace and get to the adoption centre. I walk round the corner and then into the centre, I walk towards the reception and the woman behind smiles at me "Hello how my I help u?" She smiled at me "ugh yeh Hello um can I like sign myself in please ?" I asked nervously "yes u can what's ur name?" "Mia Elizabeth Franklin" "and ur birthday?" "14th of December 2003" "okay thank you I'll get someone to show ur room and then u can join the others okay?"she said "okay thanks " I said and I tock a seat near one of the walls and waited.

After about 10 minutes a guy walked out, and came to talk to me about all the rules and how things are going to work. After another 15 minutes of talking he showed me my room that is only small and has a bed and a mirror and a little side room with a bathroom and cabinets to but my stuff in.

It was okay but not as good as been with Adele. I smiled softly and sat on my bed. I got my phone out and connected to there wifi and went onto Instagram.

I saw a photo the me and Adele tock together it was when we was having ice cream and talking it was just a photo of the ice cream we ate that night. I put the black and white filer on it and captioned to " best night of my life I was so happy... now it's time for u to be" I posted it and turned my phone off and laid down on the bed

I could help myself from thinking about Adele, my phone was blowing up with messages from my post asking what I mean by it

But one comment was from her and only I know it's her but she commented saying "regrets and mistakes are memories made"

After reading it thought to myself what am I doing? Why am I here? Why did she take me in? And why did I leave?

I started to think of my mum.... and then I started to talk too her " hey... mum I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye and I want u to know I love u, u gave me the opportunity to see Adele live, u also gave me the opportunity to live, and I appreciate that so much but I don't want to anymore I pushed people away that love me and want to help but, I don't seem to want there help. U know when ur life is messed up when u sign yourself into an adoption centre," I laughed a little "but I really don't want to be here, I hate it already I want to be back with Adele I want to make her and Simon happy by leaving but I don't think I have I can just feel it. Mummy help m please! Just one last time I promise I will be good I won't do drugs I won't smoke I won't do think I'm not supposed to please! Just help me make things better, I love u mum forever and always..."

I close my eyes and I cold breeze went by witch was weird because the window is closed. I brushed it off and tried to sleep while my hand is hurting so bad.

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