Ice cream??..?

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Simons POV

The doctor gave me a worried look so I decided to talk to him outside since I know Mia can't handle any more bad things happening.

"Sir has ur daughter been sexually harassed recently?" The doctor asked "what's that supposed to mean what's wrong?" I said worried

"Ur daughter has experience a miscarriage sir have u notice anything different in her attitude lately?" He asked. I walk around with my head in my hands. Thinking

I need to talk to Adele and Penny because they are normally with her during those times  "just wait one minutes" I said I went into the room

"hey Mia do u want some ice cream from the hospital canteen?" I said holding change in my hand. "Yeh sure why not" she got up and tock the change out of my hand

I gave her a hug and she carried on walking down the hallway to the canteen

We go in the room where Adele and Penny are " hey guys... so um Mia have u notice if she's had pain in her lower area recently?" I asked "Yeh the time I first met her she was curled up on the bathroom floor in my house why? What's wrong with her?" Penny said

"Ur daughter Mia has experience a miscarriage recently" the doctor said

I saw There faces drop, "Wait ur telling me my daughter was pregnant and then had a miscarriage without nobody knowing?." Adele said a bit shocked.

"Yes and also it's very likely she could still be pregnant because of the possibility of there been twins, but we will need to do a scan to check if that's okay with u guys?" The doctor said.

Adele looked at me like what the hell is happening I just shrugged my shoulders I literally have no idea how we are going to tell Mia she's been going through so much and now this.

Mia opened the door with a tub of ice cream and went to Adele's side, "mum what's going on is everything okay?" Mia asked sensing there something wrong by Adele's face. Adele had no idea what to say nobody did.

" She's 14, How can someone do that to her!?" Adele said.

"Alex.... alex did it when I was adopted by them... I thought u guys knew so I didn't bring it up " Mia said looking down

"That's why I was in pain, when we was at nans, because it hurt a lot" Mia said quietly.

"Oh Mia ur gonna be okay trust me" Nan said walking towards Mia pulling her into a hug. Mia started to cry.

"I'm sor..sorry" she cried. Tears welled up in my eyes as I walked over to Mia and Penny and hugged her tightly.

"I'm not going to let anyone else hurt u, your our daughter now and things happen, it's not ur fault u don't have to be sorry.... we love" I said

"Mia we are going to support u forever and we are never going to leave ur side, u have gone through a lot and I know it's a lot to take in but, there's always the light at the end of the tunnel" Adele said we all smiled at Adele's calm word.

"U are a star Mia u can do anything" Adele said. We all sat in Adele's bed holding each others hands.

The doctor told us he will need to do the scan soon for Mia, before we leave.

Adele's not in labour yet she's not due for a couple of weeks yet. So we can go home after mias scan.

"I would love to stay longer but I'm gonna go pick up Angelo from Laura's and take him home. See u guys there okay love u" penny said getting up and giving everyone a hug. "Thanks mum for been here means a lot, love u" Adele said as penny left

She gave up one last wave and then she left. Mia was snuggled up with Adele while I was sat on the chair holding Adele's hand.

"I love u guys no matter what" I say.

"We love u too dad" Mia says "hahah and I love u too" Adele says

The doctor knocked on the door and then he entered. "Mia are u ready?" The doctor says "I guess" she said nervously

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