Hurts alot

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Mia's POV

We pulled up to what looks like Adele's mums house. I slowly got out the car and joined Adele's side walking to the door. I instantly held her hand, I haven't like been outside of that house in ages and it's weird how unsafe I feel without anyone holding me.

We get to the door and Adele's knocks, the door opens and Penny Adele's mum answers, "hey mum" Adele said "hey sweetie how are u?" She said as she pulled Adele into a hug. "I'm good now" she smiled.

The pain in my lower area hurts still. I've pushed it to the side but it's still there. It's painful when I walk but I try my best.

Penny sees me and pulls me into a hug, I think she knows I'm not sure but she's gentle with me which I love. "So I guess ur Mia huh?" She said smiling at me "hah yeh I am" I say. "Well then welcome to the family" she said "thank you Penny"

"Oh sweetie I'm nan okay" she said "haha okay nan" I say.

Nan gave simon a hug and asked how he was and stuff. We all walk into the living room where we are greeted by Angelo.

"Mia ur back!!" Angelo screams and runs up to me. "Haha yes buddy I am" he hugs me and then runs around and hugs his mum n dad.

I sit on the sofa next too Adele, while Simon is on the floor playing with Angelo and Penny is sat on the sofa across from us.

The whole time I've been holding tears back, since that night, since I saw Adele and Simon at the adoption centre.

My breathing is all over the place trying to keep my emotions inside. I let my head fall onto Adele's shoulder. Staring at the wall blocking all the voices around me except the ones in my head.

I can't help but think back to the night, I don't know why but it's like my brain is choosing what I think of. The way he held my neck and held me on the bed his face had so much anger in it.

I just I wish I know what I did to deserve it.

I hear a faint voice saying my name, I ignore it and think of the first night, how I thought I could make it out of that house in one piece. But I came out in a million pieces.

The voices start to get louder. I blink and a single tear rolled down my cheek, I realised who is calling me name, it's Adele "Mia, mia..." Adele says "oh.. um. Yeh... umm what?"

"Do u need a glass of water, u look pale do u feel okay?" She asked "umm... yeh I'm fine I think" I say and lift my head off her shoulder and I get up and make my way to the toilet.

I open the bathroom door and I lock it behind me. I instantly broke down crying on the floor. "Mummy I asked u one thing, I asked u to make things better, but u didn't, u made clara and James adopt me, u made them make my life a living hell, u was supposed to help me but u wasn't there to help me, and now I'm a broken mess, I've already told u I don't want to be here anymore, but u made it's worse, I hate u, I hate u, I hate u, at least I have a family now that loves me. And will actually help me." I say too myself.

The pain in my lower area isn't helping at all, it makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I sit with my back against the door with my knees pulled up too my chest from another 10 minutes before I here someone coming towards the door.

"Mia are u okay? Do u need help with anything?" Nan asked from the other side of the door.

"No I'm fine" my voice cracked.

The door unlocks from the outside. And the door began to open. I move out the way into a corner and hid in my knees. She's sits next to me and wraps her arms around me. I hug her back and cry on her shoulder.

"It hurts nan" I say "what hurt darlin?" She asked "my um lower area"

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