Bathroom break

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Adele's POV

My eyes opened as I see my little boy coming to jump on the bed shouting "mummy!! Wake up it lunch time" I look at him with a confused look , how is it lunch time I just woke up?

I lean over to see the clock on the bedside saying 12:15pm. "I really slept that much?" I questioned.

Angelo jumps into my arms on the bed and start to tickle him making him squirm around laughing. "Hahaha could me on let's go get something to eat" I say as I stop tickling him. He runs out the room shouting "yey more food". I laugh too myself knowing that he got the love of food from me.

I brush the duvet cover off me and I get out of bed making my way towards the bathroom. I go to the sink and wash my face and my teeth. I lightly put my hair into a soft bun and went downstairs.

Simons on the sofa watching football "good afternoon sleepyhead" Simon says when he sees me coming down the stairs. "Ahaha good afternoon" I say giggling. I follow Angelo into the kitchen and he opens the fridge and points at the tub of yogurt.

I smile at him and then I get the yogurt, and take it too the side and get some bowls. I pour it out and the hand it too Angelo. "Thank you mummy" he says running off to the sofa next too Simon.

We sit down and I start to eat my yogurt, there's a comfortable silence with the tv playing. I look around seeing Mia isn't here "hey Simon have u seen Mia this morning?" I asked "umm no I don't think so" he said. I place my bowl on the table and then I head upstairs wondering what Mia is doing.

I get too her bedroom door, I here water flowing  faintly she must be running a bath, but she normally has music playing while she's in the bathroom.

But she doesn't, i go into her room and I go too her bathroom door

I softly knock on the door "hey Mia are u okay?" But I didn't get an answer and I started to panic. "Simon! Come here please!" I shout downstairs. I try to open the door but it's locked fuck.

I hear Simon running up the stairs and he is instantly in the room. He knew what was wrong "Simon I can't get it open" I say panicking.

I pace around the room looking for the key. But I find a bobbing pin on the floor.

I pick it up and quickly unlock the door.

While I was unlocking it water flows out from under the door. "Mia no for fuck sake Mia!" I say.

We get into the bathroom "omg Mia!" She's fucking under the water in the tub. I rush towards her and pull her out. She's still in the clothes, Simon turns the water off. "Mia please! Answer me baby it's okay we are here, Mia can u hear us?!" I say trying to wake her up. I lay her down on the tailed floor and Simon rushed too her "Simon do something please!" I cried.

"It's okay I've done this before we just need to do CPR. Okay come on Mia!" Simon says getting her head in the right place and began CPR.

I hold her hand hoping for a response as Simon tries too get her back. "Mummy what's going  on?" I hear Angelos little voice. "Omg peanut!" I quickly turn to see him watching at the door. Tears fall from my eyes as I rush too him, I pick him up and hold him close too me. We rush back over too Mia's side.

I turn Angelo away from what is happening.

Mia shot up. Coughing and choking on water. A wave of relief washed over everyone. " omg Mia, my baby ur okay!" I cry. "Sis ur okay!!" Angelo turns and instantly holds onto Mia.

Mia began to cry as she held Angelo. "Thank you!" She whispers again and again, We all join in the hug. "I'm sorry I really am I should have picked up my wet towels mum!" She says "oh baby it's not ur fault don't blame ur self. But how? What did u do?" I asked wiping my tears.

She moves over and sits on Simons lap and cries. "I slipped and banged my head on the taps and fell in the water" she said

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