Birthday part 2

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Adele's POV

Me and Mia have headed upstairs to get ready, I get in the shower and wash myself, I get out and dry my hair and stuff, I of corse go for a black dress, it was nice and light, it was like a summer dress and it went down to the floor it had sleeves but the shoulders were cut out making it look more nice and it had tiny patterns on the skirt. I put on some black flats with us and I do my make up. I decided to do a silver eyeshadow and a nude Matt lipstick.

Once I'm done with my make up I do my hair. But put half my hair up in a bun and left the rest down, I head downstairs after I hear some people come in, it's probably Laura n daniel.

I get too the last step and I see my mum, Laura n daniel at the door while Simon is letting them in and saying Hello too them. Laura sees me and hugs me, "delly!! How are u?" Laura said I pulled away from the hug "good, good and u?" I said "yeh amazing" she said.

My mum comes towards us, "Hi mummy" I say and hug her "hey baby, how's u and Mia doing?" She asked "aww she's doing good things going smooth hopefully have her fully recovered by the end of the month" I said happily

"That's good I've been so worried for her when u all left that day, she's a little fighter" mum said "yes she is if it wasn't for Simon I don't know how she would be, they have grown so close, he treats her just like his own I love it" I say "aww that's good then I'm glad everything's good" mum said "yeh me too"

More people start arriving and Mia isn't down yet, I decided to head upstairs to go check on her, I'm half way up the stairs and he bedroom door opens.

Mia steps out and she looks amazing for her age. I can't believe she's 14. "Mia omg u look so amazing" I say "thanks mum but u cant say much look at u" she said I feel my cheeks go warm and I hug her. I love hugging her making sure she knows that we love her.

We go down stairs and I walk around with Mia meeting people. After awhile me and Mia go separate paths she goes to see Angelo and Shay. Shay is one of the neighbours he lives down the road, he's 14 like Mia and they seem to get alone. He is good looking for his age he has the blonde hair and the jaw line that every girl likes.

I won't be surprised if Mia likes him already he has that personality that everyone loves, he has a great sense of humour and very lovable. He likes to come round sometimes to see Angelo when he was first born. Because me and his mum Dawn are very close.

Mia's POV

After meeting everyone with mum I go outside to find Angelo, I see him playing football with the boy next door they are really good friends are Angelo and Shay i believe his name is. He's really cute I'm not gonna lie but me and the male area don't seem to get alone after the past few weeks.

I finally build up my courage and I go over and join in I see Shay looking at me in the corner of my eye while pick up Angelo and hug him. "Hey bud are u enjoying ur self?" I asked "yeh Shay is showing me more football skills" he said happily "oh is he? Is he good or dose he suck at football?" I asked joking about "hahah he's very good" Angelo say "better then me?" I say acting hurt. "Hahaha noooo" he says sarcastically he got that off his mum.

He wriggled out of my arms and runs too Shay. I walk over too Shay "hey" I say "hey Mia how are you?" He asked "I'm good u?" He said "I'm good, peanut told me your good at football do u play it all the time?"

"Yeh I play with the team every Monday and Thursday at the local sports centre, ur looking very nice tonight by the way" he said

Omg I laughed too myself when he said that, he actually seems like a decent boy. "aw well thanks I guess" I say "happy birthday by the way" he said "thanks do u want too play" I asked seeing Angelo running round chancing the ball.

"Yeh sure, 2 v 1?" He asked raising his eyebrow, "your on" I say.

Me and Angelo are on a team and then Shay is by himself. We play soft since Angelo is playing with us and I know he's letting Angelo score since he's only small it's really cute watching him run around screaming "woohoooo I scored" like the footballers do on TV.

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