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Mia's POV

I'm pushed inside and the door was locked, a gunshot was fired but I don't know what is happening I start to panic and I'll I can hear is someone shouting. The man is my father, the father who killed my mother, and now possibly could kill, my mother again. God knows how many other people he's killed and escaped the police I'm so scared of what's happing outside my mind blows up with thought

He comes running inside and grabs and we run out the back into a truck he starts the engine and drives quickly, "no! I need to see if my mum and dad are okay plz let me go!" I say banging on the door which is locked.

The car is going very fast and there's no way I will be jumping out the car.the car is too fast and he loses the police.

I start too go into a panic attack, my thought rush all over my brain.

*is my family okay, what should I do, I'm I okay, what is going on, where are we going, how the hell am I going to get out of this, what should I do, I'm I going crazy, is he going to kill me ??*

I sit n the chair with my knees pinned to my chest. My breathing starts to go unstable and I know by this point I need my mum to calm me down she's the only person who can.

"Ca can't bre brea breath" I try to wind down the window but he doesn't let me. My neck starts to close up.

My tears flow down my cheeks hoping for a miracle to happen. But nothing dose I feel myself slowly fading away. Just fading away from reality.

All I want, right now is to be in my family's arms, I want nan to hug me and hear Angelos little laugh I want to see the smile on mum and dads face I just want to be okay for once I want my world to be okay.

I'm woke up by someone shaking me, it's him, he tells me to get out of the car

We are at a cliff top the views nice but I just have a bad feeling, my stomach doesn't feel right and I'm already throwing up.

" stop throwing up and walk" he said

I cry trying to hold it down, it's my nerves, I can't help it.

He get annoyed and grabs me and pulls me beside him making me walk.

I look over the cliff and the drop is huge. There's nobody else here just a bench for people to sit on.

We reach the bench and he makes me sit down, he sits next to me and asked "so how's my favourite daughter?"


"Really because u was just throwing up and u passed out in the car because u had a panic attack?"

"Well I wouldn't be throwing up and passing out if I wasn't kidnapped by my own biological father?" I said

"I'm just trying to get a father daughter relationship u know because people keep taking u away from me" he said like he's done nothing wrong.

Well maybe if u stopped killing my family maybe we would have a decent relationship and we would be in this situation in the first place but no u have to go round pointing guns at the people who actually give a shit about me and don't point guns at my head if I don't do as I'm told" I snapped.

We sit in silence for a few minutes in till my father gets up and walks over to the clif top to look at the view. He mentioned me to come over

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