two: party

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It turns out, as days pass by, admiring her from afar became my hobby every day at lunch. Though I know I stand no chance to even be acquainted to her, I didn't stop. Aubrie, though, thinks that I'm a fool for even idolizing he - not that I'm some nerdy freak who idolizes everyone famous. I'm just a guy who has a crush on this pretty brunette girl.

"Dan, hey, are you going tonight?" Ian asked.

Tonight? I don't think I have anything planned out tonight. Confused, I decided to voice it out, "I don't think we made any agreement 'bout tonight."

He sighed in frustration. "Seriously? Someone's hosting a party tonight, I thought you already heard."

"You think our friend over here - " Aubrie gestured to me. " - knows what's going on in our school?"

"Idiot. I heard 'bout the party. Some junior's been talking 'bout it when I got here," I said defensively.

"So...? You coming?" Ian's eyes gleamed with excitement as he waited for my answer. Only to be replaced by disappointment when I said no.

"Always the party pooper," Aubrie mumbled.

"I heard that, bitch," I said flipping her my middle finger.

She laughed. "Love you too, Dan," she teased, blowing me a kiss.

- - -

I don't have any plans for the night, actually. I just don't wanna be Ian's driver for the night. Not that I'm a party pooper like Aubrie said - just, I don't feel like going anywhere tonight. Not tonight, though.

But I guess luck isn't in my side today because when I pulled over the curb, there, leaning against the hood of her car is no other than Kyle Riley.

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