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Hi guys! So Rule Breaker is officially over. And I would like to thank those who stick through the end of this book. I really appreciate everyone who didn't loose patience, waiting for the next chapter to be published. I know I don't update that fast and I still suck at writing so thank you so much. Thank you! Thank you!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Other books if yours truly:

The Game We Used To Play

Love is like chess, you have to be careful with every move you make because you cannot take it back anymore and once you let your guard down, you can get hurt with every little trick your opponent makes.

So be sure that  you're a good sport before you play a game because once you start playing, there's no backing out anymore.

Status: Completed

A Way Back To You

In which Mia receives an anonymous text.

Status: Completed


In which Eleighna falls in love with her best friend.

Status: Completed

Blind Spot

When Annalise, a twenty-four year old pastry shop owner opened the brown envelope she managed to keep away from for months, she knew, even without reading a word from the papers, her life is going to change. For good. Or is it?

When Jojance, a twenty-five year old businessman spilled his dear coffee (thankfully not into his suit) into the annoying little brunette and bumping into the said girl in a charity event, he knew he's damned. For life.

Status: Coming Soon

Again, thank you so much! And I also would like to apologise for the typos. I wrote this book in my phone so they're really inevitable.

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