twenty six: i love you. so much

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I gape at her, not knowing what to retort - what to say to contradict her statement but I'm left with nothing to say. She took the words out of my mouth and she knows it. She knows she's right. She knows that deep inside my cocky stupid, stupid heart, I still feel some sort of thing for Kyle - a thing that could possibly end our happy relationship.

I sighed, knowing there's no way I'm going to win this argument. "Lee, I'm sorry."

She didn't look up, didn't make a move or anything, she just continued to stare at nothing in particular.

Fuck. Dammit.

With small, unsure steps, I made my way towards the edge of her bed, sitting beside her in silence. She snifles but did not make a protest when I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her to my pounding chest.

Minutes passed and we stayed like that, not once wanting to let the other one go. I pressed my lips on her head as more tears soaked my shirt.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I made a dick move. I love you, Lee. So much," I mumbled, caressing her head as though she'd break if I were not gentle.

After forever, she then lifts her head, her brown eyes red and puffy from all the crying.

"I love you, Dan. So damn much."

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