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Hello, readers! Welcome to my story I have a few things to go over so please read them and thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoy! One thing to note is that this is a rough draft, I plan to heavily edit this once most of my idea are out. If you don't like my story or what it entails move on.

 1. I am not the best writer, it will get better as it goes on. I hope, sorry if it's cringy and if things don't completely make sense I know i'll either explain them later or I don't know. I'm not going to explain everything as that would take to long so suspend your disbelief it's fiction for a reason.

 2. I will not tolerate hateful comments to me or anyone, at all. There's already so much hate and drama in the world, i'm tired and I won't deal with it. 

 3. If you have any suggestions for characters or chapters or any suggestions to improve my writing I WILL TAKE THEM!!! I need all the help I can get.

 4. I will try to make my chapters will be about 1,500 words to 2,000, but if I don't it's probably because the chapter was better short.

 5. I do not know a whole lot about modern Greece other than the basics (but I do know a lot about Greek mythology that's why i'm writing this story, to put my own spin on things) so don't expect everything to be completely correct or factual.

 Thank you guys so much! Bye Bye! P.s What should I call you all?

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