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 O.k not the best chapter ever written but it's not filler stuff Seph actually goes somewhere and finds out some information. Next chapter I hope should be more interesting as we might actually have some more characters introduced. Before I leave guess in the comments who you think might actually be introduced another monster or maybe a god? Alright I should probably just let you read the chapter already. Also I might have nightmares after trying to find a picture for the chapter, they are not pretty. Bye! 

 This picture does not belong to me.

 After are run in with Medusa yesterday, Taylor decided to stay in the house. Grams and Gramps weren't happy that we went off on our own but even worse when I try to talk to Taylor about what happened but she just pretended that it didn't happen and was some crazy dream she had. I suppose this is what I want? I'm not sure, if I just told them about Empusa she might have been more careful. I don't know if I want to meet Finn, I barely know him. But if he has information I need to know it, this is the second monster I've seen in two days.

 So after further consideration I thought it would be best if I went to meet him. I got up from my bed, I had been reading up on my mythology and monsters that could also exist. I can't decide which one is the worst. Every other page I keep thinking "No that ones worse". But anyway I opened up the closet to try and find an outfit that would fit my mood right now. Black top and black skater skirt. Perfect. Most of my cloths are black or dark blue. I slipped the ring on, I'd have to ask Finn about that too. Why did it protect me or the wearer since Taylor's still here.

 I walked down into the kitchen area to see my Grams baking.

 "What's it this time Grams?" I asked. She was always making something cookies, cake she's good at everything.

 "Cherry pie" She looked at my purse ad then at my face." Where are you going."

 "Going to meet someone for coffee." I said because that's exactly what I was doing. I shouldn't have said that.

 "With a boy?" My Grams said coming around the corner.

"Maybe" I said trying to keep my cool, but my cheeks failed me and turned a bright pink.

 "It is a boy!" My Grams squealed. Help me.

 "He's just a friend Grams!" My Gramps looked so relieved until he said the usual:

 "If he hurts you in any way come tell me and i'll have him thrown off the top of Mt. Olympus."

 "Yes, yes I know. Now I've gotta go or i'll be late." I'm pretty sure I heard my Grams say "My grand baby is all grown up"as I left. I walked out of the house. The coffee shop was just around the corner so my grandparents were completely good with us going there, but any further places were up for a long talk about safety. I checked my phone I was a little late. But I saw Finn in the window, my last chance to turn around and keep pretending that my life was completely normal. I walked into the shop, Finn raised his and signaled to me to come over.

 "I thought you wouldn't come." He said.

 "I need answers and this is the second time I've encountered a monster in the past few days. I'm starting to question everything I know." Finn's confused face turned into one of worry.

 "You've crossed paths with another monster? Which one?" I didn't know whether to tell him, he was a complete stranger and I hadn't even told my friends that I was attacked yet. But he knew more than I did and I doubt my family would believe me.

 "She called herself Empusa, a man saved me I don't know who he is."

 "Empusa? Your really lucky to be alive right now, you must be very important."

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