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 @QueenoftheNerds5 is really awesome! She helped create a new character for this chapter and is one of my good friends. I hope you love the character and I'll have an authors note at the end of this chapter. The picture is not mine. 

 I started to come back up from a black void. I couldn't completely get out of it but I could hear and feel but not see. I felt like I was on something soft and my hair was being played with. Memories flashed in my head at what had happened earlier. The pain was so intense, I felt like I was being burned from inside out. 

 But now all I felt was calm and coolness well everywhere except where I was being touched. I could hear talking but I couldn't make it out yet. I wanted to open my eyes, so I pushed to wake up, I fought with the surrounding darkness until I was being blinded by light. My eyes were open I immediately shut them. 

 "Persephone? Oh wait." I heard a calm voice say. I heard the person get up from where they were and move to where the light was coming from. "I'm sorry love. You can open your eyes now."

 I slowly opened my eyes, allowing them time to adjust to the light. I was in a large room, on a very comfortable bed I might add. I felt like I was resting on a cloud. Looking down I saw that I was no longer in the cloths I had worn earlier but I was now in a long white dress. Reaching up to touch my head I felt a crown with gold leaves, They were the cloths that Ryan gave me. I propped myself on my elbows and looked around. In front of my eyes was the man from last night. But instead of civilian clothes he was wearing all black armor with a long black cape. On his head was a black crown. He looked like a gfh for sure.

 The more I looked around the dizzier I started to get. He seemed to notice and walked to a small table on the other side of the room.

 "I know what you need." He said pouring a glass of liquid that was lightly golden and shimmered. As he brought it closer I could smell the sweetness of it and my mouth watered. "Drink this."

 I lifted the glass to my lips and slowly drank the liquid. It tasted as good as it smelt and looked and left me feeling refreshed and happy. 

 "What was that?" I asked

 "That was nectar my love.  need to leave now but hopefully you'll join me for dinner later. Your maids will attend you and your welcome to explore the Elysium Fields for the day, just stay where your maids and guards can see you." He left the room after that and just as I was finishing the drink called nectar 2, whom I think are maids by their attire, entered my room.

 "Were here to escort you to the gardens of Elysium your majesty." 

 "Please just call me Seph." They looked at each other and then the one on the left with brown eyes and blond hair said. 

 "Miss we're on orders from the king." It clicked in my head they were talking about Hades.

 "Well then, I command you to call me Seph." They flashed a smile.

 "Well, Seph , we are here to escort to you to he gardens, if you would just follow us." They led me out of my room and through several hallways. The house or should I say castle was huge and I was bound to get lost a lot before I actually learned my way around. We rounded a corner and at the end of the hallways were 2 heavy looking oak doors, the maids pushed them open to reveal the biggest and most amazing garden I had ever seen. 

 "What are those?" I said pointing to what looked like see through people walking in the garden.

 "Those are souls, the good ones at least." I stepped out into the garden and started to walk through. There were all sorts of flowers, some were native to earth and others seemed to be different. One shifted colors to your mood when you touched it. As I started to go deeper and deeper into the garden I started to notice there were less and less souls until I couldn't here or see them anymore.

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