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 Hey guys chapter 3 is here! I've been thinking about places for were I might want this to be in Greece and i'm not really sure but one that stuck out to me was Santorini, Greece which is an island but nothings final. That's just a rough idea of where it could be. If you have any ideas please tell me. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Persephone's P.O.V

 In the lush green grass I start to pick some of the flowers, different one surround me but I don't know any of the names. It's like I've been here before but i'm not quite sure when or why. A man dressed in black comes out of the forest into the clearing. His eyes fixated onto me. For a brief moment our eyes meet before he darts into the woods. I start to follow, for some reason. I don't know why but it feels like I should.

 As I get deeper and deeper into the forest I started to fall further and further behind until I completely lost him. Now I was stuck in a forest with no way out. I wander around trying to find familiar marks. Soon i'm even more lost and just before I give up I smell the most amazing floral scent. 

 It smells so good, more than anything I've ever smelt. I start to follow that scent. As it draws nearer and nearer I find myself back in that same meadow I was in here when I came here. As I draw near I notice than there are 2 differences in the meadow. The man in black is standing there and the biggest fullest lotus flower. That's were the smell was coming from. 

 As I got closer to both of them I felt as if I was in a trance of some sort. But, I still could manage a few words out.

 "Who are you?"

 "Your worst nightmare or your best daydream."

 "Why am I here?"

 "You'll understand why soon, i'm always in your dreams but eventually i'll make my way into your reality."

 "What's this flower?"

 "Some many questions my princess, do you like the lotus? Why don't you pick it?"

 I walk to the flower, I wrap my hand around the flower and pull up as I do the ground around me falls around me and I fall into a terrifying places. Monsters surround me and I can't run at all. I feel myself fall into darkness.

 "Seph, girl wake up!" I feel myself being shaken. I open my eyes, oh yes thank god it was just a dream! "Are you okay your were crying in your sleep?"

 "Yah, i'm fine. What time is it Taylor?"

 "2:30 in the morning."

 "I don't think i'll be able to sleep for a little while do you want to go on a quick walk, they seem to help me."

 "Sure, Ryan is knocked out so were good to go." I pulled a sweatshirt over my pj shirt and shorts. We walked out of my house into the night. It was a full moon and still quite hot out even though it was night.

 "So what were you doing up?" I ask.

 "Thinking, i'm a little nervous this will be the furthest I've ever been away from home."

 "Same here, what freaks me out more is that our parents won't be there, it's just us and then my grandparents." I say, I actually do get a little nervous thinking about, what if something goes wrong? But sticking to my optimistic side I don't say that. "We'll be fine Taylor."

"I know but it still freaks me out."

 "Look on the bright side, we can brag next year that we went to a different country for the summer and had the best time ever."

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