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Unedited but you know what it's longer than normal.

 I waited until Grams went back to bed before I crept back to my room. When I got there I picked up my phone and turned my flashlight on, covering it with my hand so I wouldn't wake Taylor up. Especially that. I walked back to my side of the closet and pulled a backpack out of one of my open suitcases. I grabbed a couple of cloths and my purse pushing it in. I made sure to slip my ring onto my finger before I finished dressing. If I ran into any monsters I had a little bit of protection.I left my phone on the night stand and crept back downstairs. 

 I walked out into the garden, breathing in I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to do. The night was so silent and on any other night I would love to just sit and watch the stars. Attempting to name any constellation, which I was awful with. I walked straight back to the door, grabbed my bag and walked back into the house. Walking through the house i felt the dread and fear pick up in my senses. When I grabbed the front door handle I knew there was no turning back. I was also breaking curfew.

 I pulled the door handle and walked outside.

 It was surprisingly calm and serine. I wasn't going to take a car that would be to obvious. Grams and Gramps never told us what the punishments for breaking curfew were. I walked into the street and as I walked I made sure to walk into the dark where I was completely invisible since I had all black clothing on. My black sweatshirt hood was up covering my head.

 Soon I came across a hotel that was further from the center of town which was about where my Gramps and Grams house was close too. I darted across the street for the hotel. Before walking in I decided that I would be someone who's car broke down and needed a place to stay for the night until I can get someone to fix it and that would explain why I wasn't with curfew. 

 I walked right in and heard the bell ring. There was no one in the front until I saw a woman walk to the front. She looked to be about 30, with a very sweet appearance. 

 "I'm sorry sweetheart it's past curfew, I'm going to have to report you." I put on my best face and said:

 "I'm sorry I didn't know, I was driving trying to get back before but my car broke down and this was the first hotel I came to." Her face changed.

 "Oh ok, I'll let it slip but why didn't you call anyone or a least call another hotel so that they knew you broke down and could have even sent someone to get you?"

 "I left my phone at home, I thought I would make it back." She nodded and started to type things into her computer. She motions for my card and I give it to her. She swipes it and then gives it back to me.

 "Alright sweetheart, this is your key your room number is on it. Have a nice stay." She says as I take the key and go up the stairs to the left of the desk. Walking down the hallways I put the key in the door and pushed it open. Walking in I set my bag on the floor and flopped onto the bed. The woman knew something was up and I knew she knew. I'd have to leave very early in the morning before she could call anyone to get me.


 Waking up I got off the bed and walked to the window as I drew the curtain back I saw the sun rise. I had only gotten a few hours of sleep but if was going to get out of here I was going to have to deal with it. I threw a new sweatshirt on and pulled my hair up into a bun. Then I walked over to a mirror and applied some makeup, I never did but I knew that in a couple of hours everyone would be looking for me and I needed to get out of her before then.

 I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. 

 "Good morning" the woman from last night said. 

 "Good morning, I'm sorry last night I didn't ask your name."

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