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 Third Person POV

 Taylor laid on the bed, it was just after Persephone had left the house and needless to say Taylor was relieved that she would be gone for the next few hours. After the events of the previous day Taylor was left very confused, why was Medusa there? Why did Medusa exist? When Taylor and Persephone were younger they enjoyed Greek mythology very much but one of the creatures being real was out of the question.

 After they got back home Persephone went to go put the lotuses in the garden, she was gone about 3 or 4 hours which gave Taylor just enough time to look through the things that Persephone bought the other day. She found it weird that Persephone bought a book on Greek Myths and Monsters, after 5th grade Seph had never been interested in them saying in 7th grade that they were now "just silly stories".

 Taylor hadn't even meant to find the journal Persephone had. Persephone always kept a journal and must have bought one. The lock on the journal intrigued Taylor. What could be so important she didn't trust her or her family. So last night Taylor had managed to find the key to it underneath her best friends pillow.

 As soon as Persephone left to go meet that weird man they had met yesterday, Taylor reach under the mattress and pulled the journal out of it's place and then reaching behind one of the pillows for the key. She popped the key into the lock and twisted it. The lock fell off and Taylor started to the first page.

 "Hey Taylor do you wanna-" Taylor slammed thew book under the covers. Ryan walked into the room, seeing Taylor's reaction made him suspicious. 

 "What's that?" He asked.

 "Nothing Ryan." Ryan gave Taylor a hard look before walking over to the bed and ripping the covers off. Underneath was the journal.

 "Seriously Taylor, please don't tell me that's the journal that Persephone bought at the mall." Taylor looked down in guilt. "It is." Ryan said not even having to wait for a reply.

 "She's been acting weird and something yesterday, so I need answers." A serious look crossed over his face.

 "What happened?"

 "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." 

 "Tell me." He said in a very demanding voice.

 "Yesterday at the market I got lost and I tapped on this woman's shoulder to know if I was going the right way she turned around and...and she had snakes for hair. Her eyes started to turn to stone and I felt Seph's ring start to heat up. I ran back to her and she was talking with a boy who said he took care of that thing. But Seph didn't seemed fazed at all." Ryan's face seemed to lift to an unreadable expression.

 "You think she's hiding something from us?"

 "Yes, that's why I was going to go through her diary." Ryan nodded.

 "I still don't think that we should go through it, it's her personal business and if she doesn't want us to know then there is a very good reason why."


 "No buts, it's her business now put it back and don't let me catch you again." Ryan said as he stormed out of the room. He hated that he just shouted at one of his best friends but if Persephone wasn't going to tell them what was going on then fine. Ryan could believe that Taylor was attacked though, his whole family knew that some of the myths had some truth to them it's just separating the fact from the fiction that is often difficult. Ryan continued walking down the stair until he saw Gramps at the bottom of the steps.

 "You heard that didn't you?"

 "The house may be big but the walls are paper thin." His Grandfather said with a chuckle.

 "You know when we adopted you, your uncle made sure that you would be raised to protect her." He continued. "You cannot outrun your fate but you can shield her from the blow, you need to talk to her and find out what's going on if not she could be swept away and history will be doomed to repeat itself."

 "Your right but I don't want this fate for her, she deserves to be normal not destined to this mess, it's to complicated."

 "Yes, but Seph is a strong woman and i'm sure she can handle a god, after all that's what her parents came from."


Finn and Persephone walked down the street, Finn was showing her around the city and she took the opportunity to learn as much as she could about Olympus and Gods but more importantly what she had to do with this.

 Finn knew she would ask these questions and skated around things that would tip her off about what she truly was and what she was destined to become. Finn had mixed emotions about what to do with her, she had so much power that any mythical creature could feel it emanating from her including him. Finn knew that he should let her play things out but the selfish side of him said to train her and take advantage of the power she carried. If he did that then he could eventually take revenge on the Gods for being kicked out but if he didn't and brought her to them maybe he would be awarded and finally let back into his home.

 He hated lying but in order to protect his true identity, he would have to. Trading her would make things easy but there was no way to be sure that he would get what he wanted. What would happen after the trade? Finn didn't care as long as he got what he wanted from them. Whether they killed her or just gave her up to Hades was completely one them. But revenge seemed more fun the past centuries alone with no one who lasted more than a couple decades wasn't fun and left Finn with a completely hardened heart. 

 "Seph, I know that this is spur of the moment but there is really no way for sure to tell if more monsters will come after you. What if I trained you so that if something does happen you won't be completely helpless." Seph cocked pondering it for a second.

 "I'd like to, I don't want my family in this."


 Hello Everybody! I'm back today I had less homework than I normally do so I decided to finish writing a chapter that I already had in the making. I want to thank you for understanding, this is a big transition but i'm starting to straiten everything out and fall into routine. This chapter focuses more on Ryan because he's going to have a very important role in the future not to mention that but eventually all the characters will fold back into the story and it will make more sense.

 If it doesn't I sincerely apologize it will make more sense later, things have been building and there's been a lot of filler material because of my place in life right now so I finally decided that the story will be having a major turn and the story will really focus on the love and adventure of our characters.




 And I have a quick question. What is your favorite character so far?

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