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The image isn't mine

 P.O.V Dilei 

 Well, meeting Seph was amazing. I hope that she doesn't get sick from the "running into people disease" that I was told about when I was alive. I'm not sure how I died, most people say I was probably killed by a run away wagon. But, I'll never remember since I have the memory of a goldfish. 

 Surprisingly I was more opaque than most of the souls here, some of them were really pale and transparent. Don't get me started on the souls in the pit of torture. Yes, I have been there, on accident, maybe, sort of. Ok! I wanted to see what it was like and I've never been back since. The souls there can't be considered souls because theirs have been smashed into millions of pieces and now they are just black shadows, but some of them put pieces of their soul back together while enduring punishment. 

 After seeing Seph and teasing her relentlessly about Hades, I know she has the hots for him she just doesn't know it yet, I was skipping back to my house in Elysium. Saying hello to the birds and animals and trying not to trip on the roots. As I got closer a bear came lumbering out of the woods. I stopped in my tracks and looked at it, when the bear saw me he started growling.

 "You're being very rude, don't you know it's impolite to growl at some one." I say hitting him on the nose. That does nothing and as he looks stunned for a moment before releasing a louder and more terrifying growl. My eyes widened and then I growled back at the bear. I wasn't going to be intimidated by this bear! He was in front of my house! No one goes on my territory with out permission! Bring it on bear I can't die!

 There was a whistle and the bear backed up before running into the woods. Ha ha! I win again. 


 I hope you guys liked that view inside Dilei's head before I continue on with the chapter! Please tell me what you think and this is was a bonus part for getting past 130 views! O.k, on with the chapter! 


 Seph's P.O.V

 "Focus Seph, remember what we talked about, focus your energy on the center of that target." I was trying, but I could conjure up my supposed "powers" I was learning to control. My teacher, Medea, wanted to see what powers I had and this was supposed to be a simple exercise to see what she was working with, but she doesn't have much to work with since I just could create anything.

 "Ugh, this is hopeless!" I said walking away from Medea and the target. I had been trying for the past hour and I was tired and getting impatient. 

 "Seph, I know your frustrated, but i need you to keep trying."

 "What's the point? I'm getting no where with this! Maybe I just don't have powers." I said to her.

 "All gods have some form of powers, yours just must be taking a lot longer to develop than most." I sighed and flopped onto a large cushy couch. We were in the largest library I'd ever been in. Much bigger than the ones in the colleges we had visited for school trips. I was so excited to explore this library after lessons, lessons that were frustrating me to no end. I mean, I'm supposed to be a goddess and Medea says I should have already developed some form of powers, but I haven't!

 "Hello Seph?" I blinked and looked at her." Good, you zoned out on me there. Anyway, I'm going to cut this lesson short. Will try again tomorrow, but don't get stress out over it because you could just be developing them late. You do still have a little human left in you still and that could be slowing them down."

 "Alright." I replied. After she left I started to walk around the library pulling random books off of shelves and flipping through them. The library was so big, even though I had eternity to read them all, it felt like it would take more than eternity to finish them all, and some of them were in Latin and Greek, which I was taking, but never the less.  


 When I got back to my room I flopped on the bed with a book I had taken from the library. I was deep into it by the time I remembered I had to finish homework I had gotten from Medea. It wasn't really homework, but more just doing things I like and trying to stay stress free. Medea thinks that the stress of the move and transition into a goddess is just weighing my mind now to much right now and we'd try again tomorrow.

 Wow, I actually said I was becoming a goddess. What happened to my life? Just over a month ago I was still in school preparing for an awesome trip to Greece to visit my grandparents. Great! I completely forgot that they disappeared right after I got here. What were Ryan and Taylor doing? I had also completely forgot about them. I need a shower. I just need to wash off all the guilt and pain I'm feeling.

 I slid off the bed and walked to the bath room. When I got in there I walked to mirror and pinned my hair back so I could wash my face. Coming up from splashing my face I inspected my skin. I looked a lot smoother; none of my annoying blackheads or acne was there anymore and my skin had a certain glow to it that it didn't have before. 

 I turned to the floor length mirror. My body did look a bit different. My stomach was flat and it looked like I had less fat than before. My hair had also gotten longer and shinier, so I was pretty much turning into a gfh. This was defiantly not expected in my life at all.  

 I stepped in the shower and scrubbed down. By the time I was done there was knock at the door;

 "Miss, it's time for you to get ready for dinner." I must have been in here awhile. I turned off the shower and stepped out. I put on a fluffy white bath tub after drying myself off and I combed through my hair and smiled at myself in the mirror. I was happy, I'm always happy, but sometimes I need to remember that I am and supposed to be happy. I stepped into my room to be greeted by a team of maids. 

 "What's going on?" I asked since only two maids got me ready last night. 

 "You and his majesty, Hades, will be going on a special outing and he has instructed that we make you perfect." A maid, who I had never seen nor met, told me.

 "So, like a date?" I asked.

 "If that's what you'd like to call it." She replied before ushering me into the closet. I sat in front of the vanity and the team of girls got to work. Two on my hair and one on my make up. The others. About 3 or 4, started to go through my closet. The maid doing my make up was finished much faster than the previous night and looking in the mirror I knew why. I had a lot less on. A little mascara and eye shadow with a touch of blush and lip stain. I preferred this look to my previous one. 

 The other girls had finished my hair. It was curled and framed my face nicely. The girls left to allow me to dress in the cloths they had picked. It was dress with a tight black top with cut outs and a flowy coral skirt. It was surprisingly comfortable, but not something I would normally wear. Which I liked.

 Well I'm off on a date with the devil. I laughed in my head as I walked out of my closet.

 Hey guys! So shorter chapter, I'm sorry. I did want to include the date in this chapter, but that might take me longer to write and I suck at writing romance. So, I'm just going to post this because it's been awhile and I want you to know I'm still writing. It's just taking a backseat since I'm busy with school. Plus I've been going camping a lot and I don't have a lot of time. But, when I do I get a lot done. 

 Thank you so much for 142 views that's crazy and I want to thank each reader who actually reads right now, thank you. 

 And to my crazy friend who wakes me up in the morning for class and inspired one of the characters in the story. Even if I threatened to kill that character off, a lot. To you, while I'll never admit this in front of you, thank you for being my inspiration and just pure craziness and fun.

 Thank you all! See you next time.


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