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 I couldn't find a good picture for the gate.:( So this is something else. This is the Elysium Fields. I don't own this picture.

 Third Person POV

 Finn stared up at the giant mountain in front of him, Mt.Olympus wasn't the biggest mountain he'd ever seen. Mt.Olympus wasn't even where they lived it was just a door to there side of the world. Finn needed to get somewhere and unfortunately it wasn't the home of those Gods. He was going through a door to Hades. The door was located under Mt.Olympus and he needed to get to it through a cave leading under the mountain. 

 He started walking up the mountain until he got to he mouth of the cave, using his God speed he ran to the end of the tunnel which went down miles so that no humans who had no business melding in thew affairs of Gods. Finn hated humans always trying to play God and never satisfied with what they had. Unfortunately, this only worsened since he had been banished.

 As he got to the bottom of the cave he was met with a large pool of water, the area surrounding him was freezing from the passing by of souls. He plunged into the cool water as he swam through tight twists and turns sea creatures of different horrifying shapes lunged out at him trying to force him back since he was technically living. The only God who they didn't attack was Hermes but Finn wasn't him so he had to push past them.

 Finn continued swimming until he came to two large statues, in between them was a shining blue portal. Finn thought it was ironic, the place of terror using such a calm color. He stopped for a moment to stare at the dozens of statues in front of him. Along time ago these people were turned to stone by Medusa, they were moved here out of respect since they couldn't be brought through the portal.

 Finn bowed his head towards them, this was the only thing he felt awful about happening to these people. The amount of statues there shocked everyone who came through. He swam up to the gate and went through. Instantly his cloths were dry from the intense heat of the fire and lava. Cerberus didn't bark at him but one of his heads watched him intently as the other 2 slept. Finn passed by the souls lining up for the ferry to the front where Charon was accepting coins from the dead when he saw Finn.

 "Finn it's been to long."

 "I came to see Hades."

 "Well you know that i'm always taking people there for judgement. So please get on." Finn sat down in the boat, all the souls in front of him bowed there heads. He might not be a full God but he was still intimidating. After the boat was filled to the brim with souls, Charon started moving them down the river. It didn't flow fast and was quite calm. Soon they came up to the large castle know as Hades's home it was in the center of the underworld the worst parts were in front of the castle to make people afraid and the Elysium Fields were towards the back. 

 Finn walked up to the large front gate before opening it he saw Charon guiding the souls towards a side door in the house where they would stay until they were to be judged and then sent to one either the darkest parts or the brightest. He went in and walked up to the front door. He picked up the door knock and banged on the door, it made the loudest sound. A soul answered the door, he was probably the butler. Some souls could do jobs to improve were they were in the underworld with work. The only ones who couldn't do this were those sentenced with an eternal punishment for their crimes. But only a few were selected from those that applied.

 The soul led him into the parlor where Hades was already waiting standing by the fire place.

 "Finn, it's been awhile." Hades said as he approached Hades.

 "Yes it has."

 "What brings you here?"

 "I found your pet." Finn said.

 "She is not a pet Finn."

 "Medusa tried to attack her." Finn said bluntly, if Finn's plan was to work he would need to convince him that Earth was no longer safe for Persephone and he would have to take her. Then it would be like a bolder coming down a hill, it won't stop until it's done. Finn saw Hades's face madden and then Hades whirled around grabbed one of the scrolls on the table chucking it into the fire, screaming"WHAT!!!"

 "I found Medusa in the market, she thought that one of Persephone's friends was her. Luckily she was wearing Persephone's ring." he saw Hades's face grow even darker.

 "She wasn't EVEN WEARING HER RING!!!!!" Finn knew it was now or never.

 "I think she's ready to come here, if she's not protected she'll keep being attacked."

 "She doesn't know anything about us, I-"

 "You don't want to just pick her up from this life while she's happy but Hades, it's for her safety. We need to our Queen alive and well."

 "Then call the leaders we need to create a plan."


 Persephone POV

I walked into her and Taylor's room. After visiting the "Grey's" I was absolutely exhausted. But I decided that some fresh, FAMILIAR, air. I couldn't be more happy that it was the end of the day, I would just get to sleep and maybe finally get a vacation. I feel horrible with not spending more time with my Grams, Gramps, Taylor and Ryan. Tomorrow I will spend more time with them and then I can just forget for a little bit.


 Third Person POV

 Finn smirked as he left the underworld, his plan was going accordingly. Now he had to go to Demeter and tell her that he found her long lost Grandson but it got better that that. Moving out of the mouth of the cave he started to scale up the side of the mountain. As he got to the top he felt the wind change, cloud started to form and he could feel the power being drawn and focused on him.

 Lightning started to strike around him in a circle and in a final flash, Zeus was in front of him. He was still in his God form, much taller than even the tallest people on the planet. He didn't look old but he had grey hair with the traditional olive wreath on his head. 

 "I told you never to come back here."

 "What if I told you that I found something, no, someone that would be of great importance to you."

 "I'm not going to be part of your stupid games." Zeus said as he turned to go back into the purple portal behind him.

 "Persephone had a son I believe." Zeus froze.

 "What is it to you."

 "Well I'm sure you would like to know but if you don't want Demeter to connect with the only grandchild she has then I'll be on my way now."

 "Wait, come." Zeus turned around, Finn knew he had won fair and square and stepped forward. Walking with Zeus to the purple portal he stepped into and was filled with the same power he had lost when had been banished. His curse was broken and now he could get his revenge on those who wronged him.

 Hola! So I just got onto the weekend which means I not only ave gotten more sleep but I got to write for so long! This chapter is a little shorter than what I normally due but next chapter we get to see what Finn does in Olympus. We also meet Demeter. I promise that it will go back to Persephone in not next but the chapter after next. And then we get Hades and Seph together! Yayyyyy! 

 I'm really happy about that because some of the chapters that I wrote made me just go ugh when writing them but now that the stories getting more interesting I'm really getting into and when I write I get those book feels that are like, why why are you doing that! I hope you guys have a very wonderful day.






 (P.s anyone who has read the Red Queen series, are you guys excited for it to become a Netflix series! When I found out I freaked out, I was so happy.)

 (P.P.P.s You're all so amazing!)

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