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  Hey guys! I love this chapter because of how much work I got done in it and now is when wheels start turning. Please tell me if you want me to move slower or faster or if the pace i'm going at is just right. This the garden that Seph is in, but there is supposed to be a bench in it some where. The picture isn't mine.O.k hope you enjoy, love you guys so much!

 We decided to just stay in for the night since we just got here an we have the whole summer to explore and pretend we're going to get back by curfew. Taylor told me that, despite being in a whole separate country she still is a wild child. I swear she's going to make us go to a wine museum. Ryan on the other hand seemed very comfortable here, unlike me whose never been here, Ryan used to come here for the summers as a child.  Me I still didn't know how to think about other than we're finally here!

 Right now me and Taylor were unpacking our many suitcases into the closet, she got the right side and I got the left. She did wan the entire closet but then I reminded her that this was MY grandparents house. 

 "So, whatcha wanna do tomorrow." Taylor asks me as we continue going through the cloths. What could we do? There a lot of history but knowing Taylor she would just get bored from it all.

 "Beach trip or extreme exploration of the city?" That seemed like a pretty descent start.

 "Lets talk to Ryan, you did say he used to spend his summers here." I told her that on the airplane before take off. 

 "Yep, he did, lucky." I say with a sigh. I honestly wish that I was the one spending my summers here when I was younger but my parents couldn't take time off for us to actually go anywhere. Hence why I was never on a plane before then. "Who's lucky?"

 "Ryan, speak of the devil we don't know what to do tomorrow and we do know that we shouldn't stay cooped up in the house all day."

 "Well we could go to the beach." I'm completely fine with doing that. "Hey that's not a bad idea."

 "Now for the bigger question, what do you want to do for dinner?" Taylor the one with the black hole for a stomach asks. 

 "Grams and Gramps are just going to stay here, they said since it's our first night we could go out." Ryan suggests, but there's a small problem with that.

 "That's a good idea, but I still need to convert my money into euros for the summer." Taylor pipes up.

 "Why didn't you do that before we came here, isn't that like part of planning a vacation."

 "I'm sorry alright, it completely slipped my mind and I know your in the exact same boat as me." After saying that her face just said it all, she really couldn't judge me that much as well.

 "Your right and we should have done that before we got here." 

 "We could run to the closest mall to us and convert the money and do some shopping afterwards." Me and Taylor both agreed with Ryan, we don't need to do anything special for our first night here, that's what the rest of summer is for.


 An hour later we stood in front of the mall, Ryan told us that he would meet us at the food court while me and Taylor went and converted our money so we could actually buy things! When we got to the desk I went first and then Taylor went I told her that I would go to the bathroom and meet up with her and Ryan at the food court.

 Obviously, I didn't know where it was so I had to look around a bit but when I finally got to the bathroom I was stopped by someone I had never seen before. She looked like a model with brown eyes and long black hair.

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