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Hello every body, i'm very sorry for the short break these past few weeks have been very busy and I had my birthday! Yay! This isn't my best chapter so sorry about that.:(

 This picture does not belong to me.

 "Seph." I felt something poke my face.

 "Seph." Poke.

 "Seph." Poke.

 "Seph, wake up the houses on fire!" I immediately rolled out onto the floor and me with laughter from Taylor.

 "Good morning to you too." I said shooting her a glare.

 "Oh I wouldn't say it's morning." 

 "What!" There's no way I slept in, I don't like doing that.

 "I'm kidding, your Grams said breakfast is in 20 minutes." She said as she ran away from me.

 "Oh can I borrow your flower ring? My outfit would look awesome with it today" She called back up to me.

 "Sure!" I called back. 

 Ugh, wait I don't remember getting into bed last night. All I remember was going to the garden and then nothing after that. Oh well, maybe Ryan saw me and just put me in my bed or something like that. I shake my head and go to my bathroom, I look in the mirror and all I see is the hot mess of hair and what's this a feather how the heck did that happen.

 I hop into the shower quickly and by the time i'm done and dressed Grams calls all of us for breakfast. I run downstairs knowing that Taylor and Ryan will try to eat everything before I get there. 

 "Ah Persephone, good morning. Ryan told me that you were feeling a little homesick so I made some blueberry pancakes and bacon." My Grams told me once I got down to the kitchen.

 "Thanks Grams." I took the plate that she already had ready for me and went to the island to eat. She is amazing cook and a better baker. She's that stereotypical, baking cookies grandma but she's got her own spin on things.  

 "Hey Ryan can you get your Gramps for me." Grams said and then Ryan got up from eating and then went to find Gramps.

 "So Persephone, Taylor tells me that you like nature and you went into my garden last night." 

 "I like it a lot, back home we have a large forest surrounding my house. I love going into it just to calm down." 

 "Well, you should come with me to the market later today, we're planning on expanding the garden even more." 

 "I'd love to, do you think you could teach me some of the names, I only know things like daffodils, roses and lilies." I really need to brush up on names.

 "That's fine, we're planning on getting some lotus's, irises, or hydrangea. "

 "Those sound lovely." Crap, what do I wear.


 "Alright Grams, i'm ready to go." I said a couple of hours later, we decided that we would go to the markets all together. Gramps wanted to find some things to put in the garden and he was taking Ryan with him and Grams was taking me and Taylor to look at cloths but more importantly flowers for the garden. Which I was extremely happy about getting.

 "Good, now let's go!" My Grams yelled, she was a wild child even at her age. Taylor just burst out laughing, she and my Grams are getting pretty close. Taylor doesn't have grandparents so she's really enjoying these moments with mine and my grandparents are perfectly fine with that, they're even insisting that she call them Grams and Gramps.

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