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Side note: this chapter in my opinion is really cringey and awkward. I'm not good at doing a mans P.O.V especially one like Hades. So forgive me. Not my best but it probably won't be my worst. If you want to skip this chapter you can but you will miss some information like how Hades first met Persephone King (not the goddess). This chapter is going to be heavily edited in the future, when I do I will make a note to tell you so you can go back and re-read it.

Hades P.O.V 17 years ago

 Of all the gut wrenching, horrible and twisted things I've done the only thing I would ever take back was killing my flower. Now, thousands of years later I finally have a chance to love again. 

 But do I really want to find my light in the darkness? Persephone made me softer, more gentle but she also made me weak. She was my only weakness and her death destroyed me from the inside out.

 Her death was all my fault, I didn't allow myself to mourn for her. I actually fell in love with her which no one knows about, they thought I took her to get back at my siblings. Which I did, originally. Only my heart was ripped out of my chest when I found she was in love with a shade. (Tortured Souls for anyone who doesn't know.) What did he have that I don't! I am a powerful god and she chooses a tortured soul.

 I can feel anger taking over my sadness, I need to let this out. I travel through my castle, my black boots click against the cold obsidian, traveling down to the main parlor. Which has a very Gothic theme, despite my loathing for the humans this was one of the things they created I actually liked. The main parlor is quite large, my entire castle is lighted by candles so the fire in the fire place is lit, but there are two candles on the mantel illuminating a painting of my late love, she's in a white dress on a bed of flowers, her brown hair tucked behind one of her ears. 

 This painting captures my favorite memory of her, when I first looked through the crusts of hell and laid eyes on her. Now, her beauty is all but locked away, trapped in the frame of the painting.

 I walk up to the mantel and pulled one of the candles down to reveal a trap door, going down the dark tunnel. I can already smell to rot and death. As I travel down further I see the small light starting to grow until i'm in a room with a single cell and several different torture devices throughout the room. What ever I want to use to get out my anger, as best I can. Persephone could always get my anger out with one touch and her gentle voice could calm even Cerberus one of the most frightening of beasts.

 "What to use today." I say running my hands over the closest items near me, a set of sharp daggers.   

 "Why do you do this to me, wasn't being dead enough of a punishment?"

 "Not enough! Because of you my love is dead!" I roared.

 "I don't care that she's dead!"

 "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I roared "Why didn't do this millennia ago." I grab one of the jagged daggers and force his mouth open, as i'm about to cut his tongue i'm cut of by one of my servants cut me off.

 "King Hades, the Oracle is here to see you, she says it's very urgent sir." Damn it, I put the dagger back onto the table.

 "This isn't over yet." I say as I leave the room, out of the passage only to see Helen, the oracle outside the passage.

 "What was so important that it had to interrupt me?"

 "We both know you were going to cut his tongue out, but you don't have to."

 "Of course I do, he's the reason Persephone is dead."

 "Alright, maybe he is but it won't matter soon."

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