Part 14

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 Hey guys! It's been awhile, school has been really big and I haven't been in a good writing mood. This chapter had actually been in the works since my last one, but I never got around to finishing. Enjoy and I plan to write more, at least until mid-terms. 

 Ps. I SUCK at writing romance, why did I do this to myself? I'm dying of cringe over here.

 Persephone P.O.V

 As I walked  down the hallways, following my maids, I felt my heart start racing. I was about to meet Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, and I was freaking out inside. What was I supposed to feel about him? I tried to do all the family tree stuff while my maids were doing my makeup. My brain hurt now. Not to mention I felt like a replacement for "the original" Persephone. Especially when I say all the happy memories the garden had and HE killed her. I didn't even think gods could be killed! 

 I felt a heavy weight on me, the stress and pressure was intense and I don't know how to respond to it. We stopped suddenly.

 "We're here." One of the maids said, why couldn't the castle be bigger? I picked my head up and looked forward at the heavy door. All the places I gone in this castle so far had seemed like a fairy tale compared to the dark and dreary castle I would have expected it to be. I took a deep breath as the door opened to reveal a long table stocked with food. Standing by the table was Hades, when he saw me he smiled.

 "Hello Seph" Then he turned to my maids and gruffly said: "Your dismissed." He then took me over to one side of the table and pulled out my chair for me, before walking over to the other side of the table and sitting down. He waved his hand and food appeared on my plate. After getting over my shock I started to eat.

 "How did you find the gardens, love?" He said after what felt like an eternity. Set my fork down and said:

 "Fine, what did you do today?"

 "Business, as usual. Tomorrow you will start lessons, I heard that you haven't quite finished high school and you will complete your education, but you will also start learning other things like how to control your new powers and run a kingdom. Eventually, you will be in charge of Elysium and the Isle of the Blessed." A queen? Could I actually be like that? I can barely keep my life and grades together and he wants to throw me into this?

 "No, I'm not going to throw you into this Persephone." I gave him a confused look. "Your face says it all." I managed to clear my throat and say:

 "Hades I'm one of the least capable people to rule and now I'm going to have to run a kingdom?" he started laughing, I didn't see what was funny.

 "Persephone, did I not just say your going to learn? I've seen how you act before and your the person to take charge, you aren't gullible,  and are loyal. Those are all qualities of a good queen."

 "I prefer to be called Seph." He looked up at me and smiled.



 I was back in my room after a long dinner. Hades, seemed alright for right now, but he was the god of the underworld and he was unpredictable. I had refused to let my maids help me get ready for bed. I don't understand why I needed them for the simplest of tasks, I don't want to be lazy and I can do things for my self. 

 But now, I was laying in my new bed, in a new room, in a new house and a completely new world. I can't sleep well in new places, something about the smell. I'm weird. But, I also couldn't fall asleep because I didn't know where Hades was and if he would kill me in my sleep. 

 I slowly drifted in and out of consciousness before falling into darkness.


 I woke up to light pouring through my curtains. I picked my head up from the bed. My bed was pretty large, but it didn't have much on it other than a large pillow and a few blankets made of silk and other soft fabrics with different thicknesses. 

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