Chapter 9 - Dinner with investors (part 2)

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Marco De Luca POV.

What the hell just happened!? I thought. Girl from this morning who bumped into me got a deal with Japanese investors.

How the hell this happened? She came, they saw her and puff Christopher got millions worth deal. Just because she works for him.

Who is she? I heard them say she worked for somebody back in Manchester. Well that explains her slight British accent. Too bad I didn't caught the name of the person she worked with.

She started saying how good our company is and how she would choose our company to make the deal if she was on their place.

I saw Eric sweating and asking her what the hell is she doing, but she just smiled and told him not to worry.

She probably knew the deal will be theirs when she saw these investors. But even if they knew her, how can they give a deal without hearing what we have to say.

They went away, Christopher didn't come back from taking that phone call. And now it's just me, my family, Katherina, Sharon and Ashley.

Who is this Katherina Hart. I never heard of her before. Christopher has big trust in her just like investors.

I have to check her background she seems harmless, but she is far from that.

"Now shall we continue this dinner or what?" she asked with a smile on her face.

Katherina's POV

I know that I am getting under their skin, but what can I do. It's just business. I thought to myself.

Whole De Luca family had grim look on their faces. I just need to get rid of Ashley and Sharon then I will have time to talk with De Luca's.

"Why should we stay for the dinner when you already got what you wanted?" asked Roberto. He had an intimidating stare, but I wasn't afraid at all. He looks nothing like Dante. (you'll find who is he in one of the next chapters)

"Honestly I thought you were smarter. For instance I would be interested in person who just shows up and gets what he or she wants. Yet you look like you want to put me six feet under the ground, but you don't want to ask any questions and let me assure you that you won't be able to found anything about me when you leave this restaurant. I suggest you to sit down and continue this meal." I said with cold voice, and murderous look on my face.

I saw fear in his eyes. Wow he is easily scared.

Just in this moment the waiter came to take our orders. He was stunned for a second seeing me, but quickly he snapped out of it. When it was my time to order he turned to me and asked "same as usual?". Of course I said with a smile on my face. I know he recognised me. This restaurant holds so many happy memories for me.

After the waiter left I looked at Roberto then at Marco. I see that you want to ask questions so ask. I don't have that much time to waste. I said looking at them with inpatient stare.

"Tell us how do you know these investors?" Marco said with angry look.

"No need to be angry Marco. I worked with them last summer in Japan on their new project. I can assure you that the project was more than successful. I am sure you heard of it. It's called The Rina."

"Yes we heard of that project, I am sure everyone heard of it. It was a mayor success. That technology changed the world and the way of living. Their company is biased in Manchester, but the owner is unknown. Everyone is amazed with the person who is behind it." Roberto said.

"The Rina and your nickname is Rina. That means you are behind the project. It's all your work?" Marco asked with an impressed look in his eyes.

"No wonder they trust her so much. So young, but so smart." Franco said with a smirk on his face.

"Thank you" I started to say but quickly got interrupted by Ashley, who was desperately trying to get Marco's attention. I have to say that Marco is extremely good looking but not that special.

"Omg Marco I can't wait for us to get married. Then De Luca and Gold empires will be one enormous empire. We will be so cute together I can't wait" she said in overly squeaky voice.

I just looked at her with a raised eyebrow "and please tell me how do you think Gold empire will be yours, I don't recall that you are Gold" she was starting to piss me off, I was ready to kill her any moment now.

"My mom will merry Christopher and I will be his daughter, my last name will be changed into Gold. And I will become the heiress of the Gold empire." she said in overly happy voice.

"And I suggest you to start respecting me, or I'll destroy you." she said in athreatening voice, but I couldn't help myself so I started laughing. I saw Sharon started to sweat, wow who would say, she is embarrassed.

De Luca's looked at me like I am crazy here, oh well I thought about doing this later, but it's needed to be done now.

"Well sorry to bust your bubble Ashley but the thing is your mother and Christopher who I told you to call Mr. Gold won't be married ever. And if it surprisingly happens you'll never be the heiress of the Gold empire, even less your last name will be changed to Gold." I said with a serious look on my face.

"Oh you make me laugh Rina without a heir the empire will collapse and who is better heir than me" she said with a triumphantsmile on her face.

"First of all I never gave you the permission to call me Rina. I am Katherina to you. And second of all why would an empire need another heir?" I said with fake confused look.

"Another heir please who is that, since I recall his daughter is dead and she could be the only heir to the empire" Sharon said with arrogant smile, while Ashley was snickering.

"Sorry to crush your dreams but Katherina Gold is pretty much alive and in one piece. She didn't look dead to me last time I saw her." I said with a smirk on my face.

"WHAT!?" Ashley and Sharon screamed in unison.

"That's not possible, do you hear what are you saying. Katherina Gold died years ago with her mother. We all attended her funeral. We saw when her casket was put six feet under the ground." Roberto said with a sad look on his face, whole De Luca family looked sad.

"As far as I know the casket was empty. They thought she died in explosion because they found her locket. But that's it. She is alive and safe." I said with a sincere smile on my face.

"No I refuse to acknowledge this. She is dead and I will be the heiress" Ashley screamed at me.

"You won't be a heiress until she is alive, and trust me there is so much people that will make sure she becomes one." I said with murderous look on my face. I saw everybody at the table was shocked with my outburst, but I don't care. I needed to put this bitch on her place.

"Ms. Hart is there any problem?" I heard one of my bodyguards asking me.

"Yes in fact there is. Please escort those two out. If they start protesting use force to throw them out. And make sure they'll never step foot in this restaurant." I said pointing finger at Ashley and Sharon.

"Yes boss." the bodyguard said

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Ashley screamed at me.

"I am really sorry because of this dinner. I know it was very shocking but I need to go. Enjoy your meal." I said standing up and leaving.


Great I don't have a car since my daddy dearest took it. Now I have to wait for a cab. I thought to myself.

"Need a ride?" I heard voice behind me.


I finally posted new chapter. I know and I am sorry it took me so long.

Rina revealed that the heiress is alive, somebody is shocked and happy, while others are angry. What could possibly happen next? Maybe they will start Looking for THE HEIRESS?

Anyway thank you so much for reading my book. It really means a lot. ;) :)

Love you all. <3 <3 <3

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