Chapter 11 - Explain!

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Katherina's POV

I woke up with annoying sound of my phone. Who could be calling me now, I thought to myself. It's seven freaking o'clock.

"This better be important!" I exclaimed standing up.

My dear father is calling me, finally he remembered he ditched dinner yesterday and went away with my car. I was still angry at him. What could have been so important to leave such an important dinner. I thought to myself.

"Good morning daddy!" I answered my phone sweetly.


"Damn, what did I do now?" I thought out loud.

"Bella, we both now you like to do stupid things." Alexander said with his morning voice.

"Well whatever it is, it can wait. It's seven freaking o'clock. I am not in the mood to go anywhere." I said yawning.

"What happened, you didn't get to much sleep?" Alexander said playing innocent, but I could see he was trying not to show his smirk.

"You know, we should continue our rounds. I don't like leaving things unfinished." I said before I started trailing kisses on his jaw and then sucking on his sweet spot.

Just when things started to heat up, my phone started ringing. Damn it, such a mood killer.

"WHAT?" I answered harshly without looking at the caller ID.

"You have 30 minutes to get in my office Katherina, or I swear to God you won't like the consequences." My father said and he sounded angrier now, than before.

"Fine, I'll be there." I said then hung up, this will probably make him even more angrier then he was just a seconds ago.

"Sorry" I said to Alexander and I saw him groaning.

"You see, I have a problem here" he said pointing at it, then looking at me "and I need help in solving it." He said with a smirk.

"Nice try lover boy, but I have 30 minutes and I don't think it's enough time to solve it." I said closing the door of my bathroom.

"So you are just going to leave me hanging here." I heard him asking through closed door.

"Pretty much." I answered him laughing.

"You are such a tease you know that?" He answered groaning in pain.

"That's nothing we didn't know before." I said laughing.

"Bella, I think we should help the environment saving the water." He said and I felt him trailing kisses down my neck.

"That's not a bad idea." I said enjoying his kisses. Now I totally forget about me being in my dad's office in 30 minutes.


After long shower and getting ready I was in my dad's building. I could hear people looking at me and whispering. Why can't people learn to mind their own business? I thought to myself.

Today I opted for wearing red casual dress that goes just a few inches above my knees. White high heels and golden necklace around my neck. I didn't put any make up on my face firstly because I don't need it at all and secondly I am to lazy for spending so much time on such a irrelevant thing.

Before I know it I was knocking on my dad's office doors.

"Come in!" I heard him say, this doesn't sound good. He is still pissed of.

"Hey daddy!" I exclaimed in overly happy voice. Now I just need to know what is this all about. First option denial, second one is the truth and third one is running away.

"Take a seat Katherina." My dad said pointing at empty space in front of his desk. His voice was calm, to calm if you ask me.

"So dad, why did you call me?" I asked because I really don't know what did I do.

"Do you know what time is it?" He asked, but I saw that he was trying not to show how angry he is.

"It's ten thirty." I answered sheepishly looking at him.

"You are late three hours Katherina, but now that is not important. Care to explain this?" He said throwing magazines in front of me. "Don't look at me, look at them." He said even more angrier now. First he is pissed of, then he is calm, then he is angry, then calm again, then angrier than before. We are going in circles here.

I looked at the magazines in front of me.

"Alexander Ambrosi and Katherina Hart back together."

"Is Golden couple back together?"

"The flame didn't disappear. Will Katherina soon become Ambrosi?"

"Italian playboy and England seductress back together."

"Who will win Katherina's heart at the end?"

I couldn't help but laugh at this. The last one was the best. Italian playboy and England seductress. Wow, paparazzi love drama. I thought to my self.

"You think this is funny, then you should watch this." My dad said taking remote and turning on some channel where me and Alexander were the main topic.

"Good morning everyone! Today our main topic is Katherina Hart and Alexander Ambrosi. As we know those two started their relationship two years ago when they first met. At that time Alexander was 18 and Katherina was 16 years old. Soon they become favourite couple, but their relationship didn't last for long. In the last years they were breaking up and getting back together. Last time they broke up was in March this same year and since then we didn't saw them together. Everyone thought it was the end, but now we have to ask the same question is it really the end?"

"Our sources are telling us that Katherina Hart is spotted yesterday in Benini Restaurant, but she wasn't alone. Marco De Luca was her company together with his family. After some digging we found out that Katherina moved in New York permanently. Interesting thing is that Katherina works for Christopher Gold and not for Marco."

"We can say that yesterday was so full of drama, but this is not all. Paparazzi caught Alexander Ambrosi entering the Benini Restaurant just an hour later. He came to get his Katherina back. As you all know Katherina came with Marco on dinner, but went home with Alexander. Is this the new love triangle?"

"Stay turned for more information about relationship between Alexander, Katherina and Marco."

My dad turned the TV of and now he is looking at me.

"Alexander Ambrosi and Marco De Luca, what were you thinking!? I am expecting call from Roberto since this morning." Dad said, disappointment evident on his face.

"What are you talking about? Yes I am dating Alexander, but I am not dating Marco. I would never date some egocentric, self-cantered jerk." I said with an angry expression.

"And the dinner?"

"You left the dinner yesterday. I was alone getting the deal with Japanese investors and you just disappeared. And you took my car. I decided to stay and have dinner with De Luca family after investors and Eric left. Somebody pissed me of and I decided to leave, there I met Alexander and he offered me a ride." I said confused. I don't get it why is he asking me about the dinner.

"What dinner are you talking about, what Japanese investors? I spend the whole night at home and I didn't take your car."



Chapter 11 is out and I have 400 views. I am so happy.

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Love you all <3 <3


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