Chapter 23 - What the actual hell?

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Okay so this is new song Por Perro from Sebastian Yatra. It kind of goes with this chapter. And I know it really looks like I'm posting chapters when he releases new song or when he is featured in one.

Enjoy reading❣️❣️❣️

Marco De Luca POV.

As our sources tell us. Yesterday Katherina Hart and Alexander Ambrossi were spotted in Milan dinning. As we already know Alexander and Katherina have on and off relationship. Since two months ago we are well aware of the love triangle between Katherina, Marco and Alexander. But we have to wonder what the hell is actually happening? Katherina was spotted with Marco at a extremely famous nightclub Luna. They were spotted leaving close to midnight and tomorrow morning Katherina left his house at early hours in the morning. They looked like they enjoyed each others company.

But that is not it. Marco De Luca was also spotted leaving her house in the evening that same day. Now we have more shocking news. Reliable sources from Prestige Restaurant in Milan told us that Alexander Ambrossi and Katherina Hart are engaged. Yes you heard me well. The famous Italian playboy Alexander Ambrossi is tamed by non other than England's seductress Katherina Hart.

I do not know how we missed the big engagement diamond ring on Katherina's finger. But it was clear to everybody yesterday when Katherina announced it in front of some girl who claimed to be Alexander's girlfriend. Obviously both Katherina and Alexander denied it and soon after that they left the restaurant going back to Napoli.

Good news is that Marco De Luca is still single and now that Alexander is engaged he is the number one bachelor not only in Italy or New York, but in the whole world.

Now let's go back and talk a little about Katherina Hart. As we already know Katherina Hart was not in the spotlight for whole two months. We were constantly asking ourselves where could she be. And now finally we have the answer. What we have to say is a little bit shocking, but Katherina Hart knows where the one and only Gold heiress is hiding. Our reliable source tells us that the heiress could be somewhere in Russia, because that's where Katherina was spotted two weeks after she disappeared.

Stay turned for more information.

I am angry, no I am pissed. So Katherina was right, the heiress is still alive. Could Katherina Hart and Katherina Gold be the same person? No. What am I even asking myself. She wouldn't be that stupid to leave her name. But if she really is alive. What the fuck is she doing in Russia? Gold empire doesn't have anything to do with Russia or Russians. Businesmanss are avoiding Russia because of the Smirnovs. Now Valdimir Smirnov is the most know mafioso, but no one know how he looks like.

What am I even thinking about. Katherina is now engaged with Alexander Ambrossi. She choose Ambrossi over me. "HOW DARE SHE!" I screamed braking my glass of scotch by throwing it in the TV.

We fucking had something and the second I leave she is in the arms of Ambrossi. Fucking Ambrossi. Like it's not fucking enough that she chose me over him, but she had to get engaged and flash it on the TV.

Sharon Moreno POV.

I watched the news and I still don't believe that she survived. I knew Katherina Hart knew something but this is to much. I have to get rid of the little heiress. I worked so much to accomplish everything that I have now and I will not lose it.

"ASHLEY!" I screamed for my incompetent daughter to come here. I swear to God she can't do anything right.

"Ugh, what now mother. I told you not to call me. I'm painting my nails."

"Well my dear daughter if you think that your nails are more important than the fact that the Gold heiress is still alive th-"


"You heard me. That bitch is still alive and we need to get rid of her." I said now already fuming.

"What are we going to do?"

"Listen to me and listen carefully."

Dante's POV.

What the fuck is happening? Oh Katherina you're going to regret this just wait till the Russians see this. They'll eat you alive. Damn it. What was she thinking. Her brain cells probably died that's why she let this happen. While I was having my inner monologue I almost didn't hear my phone ringing.

Unknown number. Most people wouldn't answer but I'm a mafia so you probably get where I'm going whit this.

"Pronto." I answered hello on Italian. I mean what other language should I speak. I am Italian after all. Fuck. Where is my mind bringing me.

There was a few second of silence, but I heard breathing on the other side. Who the fuck is this.

"Pronto. A chi sto parlando? [Hello, with who am I talking?]" No answer. I'm not in the mood and before I wanted to press the end button the voice on the other line spoke.

"Manda a Katherina i miei saluti, la vedrò presto. [Send to Katherina my greetings, I'll see her soon.]" And with that the call ended.

Fuck. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the person who called me was Valdimir Smirnov. Just his voice made me shiver. i don't know what is worse. The fact that he is after Katherina or that he spoke to me. Shit. This can't be good at all. Everybody knows that Russian and Italian mafia are not on speaking terms.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE KATHERINA?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.


"You incapable idiot!" I screamed at Carla or whatever her name was. "Does your stupid brain realizes what have you done? Pushing Alexander to break up with Katherina brought them back together. They are closer now, more then ever."

"Boss she doesn't love him. It doesn't matter that they are now together. They'll break up soon I kno-..." before she could continue I interrupted her.

"You bitch. I sent you to do one thing. One simple thing and you made things worse."

"I'm sorry boss, please forgive me." She said getting on her knees." Too bad for her, because I don't give second chances.

"Take her to Ivan. He'll know what to do with her." I ordered my guards while looking at this bitch on my floor. Pathetic. That's the only word I can describe her with.

Soon Katherina. Very soon we'll meet again and this time you won't be able run away from me.


Hey guys. So this is the 23rd chapter. It's more like a filler chapter because it shows you what other characters are thinking. No Katherina's POV. in this chapter, but I can promise you that she will be in next one.

Today is a year since I started writing this book. I know, I know. What takes me long to finish it? I am a little lazy. Anyway I really hope you like it so far.

❤❤Love you all. ❤❤


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