Chapter 13 - Marco's statemant

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Katherina's POV

"Just play it from beginning so I can watch it ." Alexander said looking concerned. He probably thinks that I got crazy over nothing. Men.

"Good evening everyone!"

"We know there is some drama currently unfolding. We have new love triangle. If you watched today's news you'll know what I am talking about. Alexander Ambrosi, Katherina Hart and Marco De Luca. All three of them are well known in private and business world."

"Alexander Ambrosi is Italian most known playboy. He plays with female hearts and then breaks them. Every week there is new model attached to him. But there is only one woman he goes back and that is Katherina Hart. Alexander Ambrosi is future heir to his family fortune and that makes him one of the most eligible bachelors not only in Italy, but in the whole world. He and Katherina haven't seen each other since March and as we can see there is so much going on. Is he going to win Katherina's heart again or he is going to leave room to his enemy Marco De Luca?"

"On a serious note Katherina Hart is very private person. It's hard to dig some information on her. We find out that she is born New Yorker, but when she was seven years old she moved to England. Why did she move back is a good question. She is well known in business world. I know it's hard to imagine that for 18 year old, but she already proved herself. Now she works for Christopher Gold. If you wonder what Marco thinks about this you'll know later. On a private note Katherina Hart got a title of English seductress. Now that is not something to be surprised about if you realise that she has Marco and Alexander warped around her finger. But good question is does Katherina Hart love one of those two? Or she is going to break their hearts unmercifully. I wish I am Katherina for just one day, because her life is awesome." The reporter said.

"Oh I would love to see you trying to be me just for one day, no actually one hour would be enough for you to freak out and run away." I said glaring at TV reporter.

"Bella calm down. They are not worth it." Alexander said before he started trailing kisses on my neck.

"I know, but they are digging and they can easily find out something that will ruin my plans." I said sighing.

"And now let's say few words about Marco De Luca. He is also Italian playboy, but the only difference between his and Alexander's player ways are that Marco lives in New York. And that makes him more of a New York playboy. Just like Alexander, Marco is heir to his family fortune. Interesting fact is that his family is rivals with Christopher Gold, and Katherina works for them."

"You probably wonder how he feels about it? Well lets just say we have surprise for all drama lovers. Here in our studio we are hosting Marco De Luca. Please give applause for our one and only Marco." After hearing her words audience went crazy. They were clapping screaming for Marco. He sent them killer smile and one of the girls in audience fainted.

"I hate him so much. You would say he's going to clear all this mess up, but no he is is even more messing this situation." I said looking at Alexander.

"Come on Katherina, it can't be that bad." He said rolling his eyes. Damn he is pissed of, he didn't call me Bella.

"Just wait and watch." I said and after that we both turned to watch what happens next.

"So, Marco as we all know there is much drama going on. What do you think about all of this?"

"Honestly, I don't know what to say. It bothers Katherina and if she is not happy with this drama going around, how can I be happy?" he asked with innocent look that left audience in awww.

"I believe everyone is dying to know the answer to this question, but what is going on with you and Katherina? I am sure everyone saw pictures of her entering your house this morning, so we hardly believe those are just rumours."

"Katherina is very special and it's damn hard to win her heart over, but I think I am slowly getting there. And yes she was at my parents mansion this morning. She came asking for forgiveness from my parents because of all the drama that's going on."

"But what about Alexander. I don't think they are just a fling. Everyone is shipping them, especially in Italy. They are like golden couple."

"What about him. He is playboy. He is a heartbreaker. Katherina deserves someone better, someone like me. And about everyone shipping them, then I guess they didn't consider me and her together."

"So you are telling us that you are not a playboy or a heartbreaker? We all know you don't have any better image then Alexander."

"What can I say, I am a changed man. Katherina changed me, love changed me for the better. And I believe this is my chance to say how sorry I am for breaking hearts and treating other girls like garbage." He said looking at the camera with apologetic face.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think all of this is truth." I said laughing.

"This is all for tonight. Marco thank you so much for being here. I hope you win Katherina's heart at the end" The host said with a smile.

"Thank you, and I know I will." Marco said with a smirk on his face, and after that he left.

"I can't believe he did this. What was he thinking. I want to kill him so badly now. I nicely asked him to clear all this up by giving statement saying there is nothing between us and he says OKEY. Later I watch him saying in front of the cameras speaking how >Love changed him for the better<. And then he starts apologising for breaking someone's heart."

"Bella, calm down." Alexander said turning the TV off.

"Yeah, you are right. But I need distraction." I said seductively looking at Alexander.

"I think I have something on my mind." He said smirking.

And with this kind of distraction I forgot all the problems I had.


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