Chapter 21 - Drama (part 1)

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Katherina's POV.

"Alex!" He can't hear me. It's about 10 o'clock in the morning, but still I need to wake him up.

"Alex!" I said hitting him and again nothing. He is a deep sleeper.

"ALEXANDER!" I screamed hitting him again in the process. And I woke him up. Finally, I thought to myself.

"What happened?" He asked groggily.

"Alex please wake up. It's really important." When he heard me saying please he instantly woke up. You probably think now what's the big importance of my please, but trust me it is. I hardly say please. It's not very often to hear me saying please or sorry.

"What happened?" I heard worry in his voice.

After taking a deep berth I said "I don't want to break up." I don't think that he heard me. My voice was barely above a whisper.

"What? Katherina speak a little louder." He said smirking. Damn it. I know he heard me.

"I said I don't want to break up with you." I said now louder and damn he had a huge smirk on his face that turned into a grin.

"And why is that?" He asked me. Ugh that idiot. He is teasing me now. But I have to do this.

"Okay firstly I want to say sorry. I am sorry for taking you for granted. And what happened with Marco was a total mistake. And trust me when I say that I don't even remember what happened between us that night." Okay I might be lying about this last sentence, but he doesn't have to know what really happened.

"And?" He asked me. And? What does he mean and? Ugh I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him. Deep breaths Katherina, deep breaths you can do this.

"And I promise you that you will be the only man in my life. Honestly I don't need anyone else except for you. And I promise you that I will try not to keep secrets between us." Okay that part about secrets is a complete lie. He broke my thinking with laughter. The idiot is laughing. What the fuck is funny.

"Okay." He said when he stopped laughing.

"Okay?" I asked him just to be sure.

"Okay." And when he said it for the second time I kissed him.


"Rina wake up." I felt someone shaking me. Damn it. I love sleeping. Why people can't understand that.

"Katherina I know that you love sleeping but please wake up. I planned a date for us and I can't go there alone." At the mention of a date I quickly got up. It's time to claim my man.

"Alex?" I called him, ugh how will I ask him this. As he could read my mind he saw that I wanted to ask him something.

"Just ask, I can see it in your eyes." He said rolling his eyes at me, but of course he had a smirk on his face. Why all the guys always smirk. Like seriously couldn't they just smile. Is it that hard?

"WellumIwanteverybodytoknowthatweareengagedsoIwasthinkingthatwecanannounceittonightafterourdate." I said in a rush, I honestly don't know if he understood any of it and looking at his face expression it's obvious that he didn't catch any of the words I said.

"Could you say it a little bit slower?"

"Well, I want everybody to know that we are engaged so I was thinking that we can announce it tonight after our date." I said looking around my room.

"Katherina." He called my name and I didn't dare to look at him. He took my face in his hands and slowly turned my head to look me in the eyes.

"Yes?" I asked him meekly.

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