Chapter 25 - You are more than crazy

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"Solid charactrer is the feature of a sharp mind."


Dante POV.

"You are crazy. No you are insane. What the hell were you thinking?" I asked Katherina while she continued to drive a car while rolling her eyes at me the whole time.

"You are so melodramatic. Nothing happened so calm the fuck down." She said gripping the steering wheel.

"Nothing happened. Nothing happened! Are you insane? I came in my fucking living room and the first thing I see are my men on their knees while some redhead is pointing a gun at them and lets not forget to mention that you shoot one of them." I said now looking at her.

I feel that something is wrong. She is constantly looking in review mirror and then her watch. Like she is expecting something to happen. She is waiting for something, but she is trying to look calm in front of me. Sorry Katherina, but you can't fool me.

"What can I say. It was an accident. Would that make you feel better." She said trying to appear calm and collected, but it's too late now. I know that something is wrong.

"You are unbelievable. You're lucky that I recognized you. I could have killed you on the spot. That stunt you did back there is fucking crazy." I told her, but after taking a few deep breaths I decided to question her further more. "At least tell me why did you wear a wig. And why did you have a fucking gun on yourself?" I asked her now while looking through the window.

"You know, the best way to trick a fool is to let the fool think that he or she is tricking you." She said suddenly and before I could say anything she drove right in front of the truck and after that everything went black.


All that was visible were dark flames and smoke from the fire. Cars were stopped, so was the traffic. No one is sure what happened. All they saw was a sleek black car cutting the lane where truck was driving and then the explosion happened. Police soon came and one thing is for sure. No one survived. Who can survive such an accident.

Everything that was left is ash. Ash from the car and ash from the person or people that were in it. Nothing is left. Police is not able to do the investigation. No one blames them. You can't create something non existing.

XXXXXXX POV. (This is a female unknown POV.)

"As we know today on the highway a terrible accident took place. From our sources we gathered that a two people are dead and one person is easier injured. People who died were a man and a woman."

"After the identification the police found out that Kayla Harrison and Dante Alvarez were in the car that exploded. I believe everyone knows who Dante is, but if not let me remind you."

"Dante Alvarez is a thirty-five year old Italian don of Serata Siciliana. Serata Siciliana is first ever existing mafia. They originated in 1282nd and they are existing to this day. Dante is, actually was one of the most dangerous people walking on this planet but now he is dead. It is suspected that he is responsible for the death of over hundred people. He is know as a ruthless and a bloodthirsty don."

"We still don't know who is his heir, but we are sure that he can't be worse than Dante."

"Female who died in a car accident with him is believed to be his girlfriend Kayla. There is a huge possibility that she is Valdimir Smirnov's ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with Dante and now their punishment was their death."

Malicious smile appeared on my lips. "Dante Alvarez is finally dead and that will make my dearest Katherina weaker than ever." I said to myself. It's hard to contain happiness when you know that you are one step closer to destroying person who destroyed you.

"Ah Katherina, Katherina, you won't have idea what hit you once when I'm done with you." Laughing evilly I turned off TV and made my way out of the house. I have to go home before anyone suspects something.

XXXXXXX POV. (This is a male unknown POV.)

"Boss our people heard that tomorrow in the morning hours Katherina will land here in Russia." One of my man said without looking at me.

"When exactly and where?" I asked in dangerously low voice.

"We don't know when but she might land in Sankt Petersburg, Nižnji Novgorod , Kazan or Rostov." He said looking at his shoes.

"You have 4 enormous cities and you don't know the time. How the fuck do you expect me to find her." I asked slightly rising my voice at him.

"Boss we tried to investigate and those for cities are the only ones that have something that she might take interest in." He said stuttering.

"I want my men watching all surveillance cameras in every airport is Sankt Petersburg, Nižnji Novgorod, Kazan and Rostov. Give them Katherina's picture and get ready 20 men."

"For what do you need 20 men, boss?"

"Tell Egor, Igor, Ivan and Maksim to take five men each. And then they will go and bring Katherina to me. Egor is going in Sankt Petersburg, Igor in Nižnji Novgorod, Ivan in Kazan and Maksim in Rostov. Tell them that I need her alive in one piece. And remember I don't want to hear that somebody spread the word where I'm sending those four."

"As you say boss." He said and then he left after picking up some files.

We will see Katherina if you'll be able to escape this time. Time and place are on my side. You are on my territory. Surprisingly you are coming here willingly, but the question is why. You don't have anyone here, well not anyone that I know of.


Katherina just loves pulling stunts like these, don't you think?

And I also want to apologise for not updating sooner :(





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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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