Chapter 14 - It's been two months

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I want to dedicate this chapter to   @MrsTorres-Ramos who helped me with translation from English to Spanish. Thank you soooooo much.

Marco De Luca POV

It's been two months since the interview and I still didn't hear anything about Katherina Hart. To make things worse, paparazzi are still going crazy. I didn't get any comeback in return for my statement. Ambrosi went to Italy, our partners and investors are getting crazy with possibility about me and Katherina being together. Things are going great, but she is still not here. It's like she disappeared from the face of the Earth. 

After new year started I heard rumours about Christopher and Sharon getting engaged. Japanese investors broke off the deal with Christopher. They won't invest in them anymore. They decided to find someone else. I read in the news that they signed the deal with owner who made The Rina. Of course the owner is still unknown

There are more and more rumours about one and only Gold heiress. Rumours started in Spain, Madrid to be precise. People are saying that Katherina Gold is really alive. She is building her empire in Europe, she started on the South. First is The Pyrenees Peninsula, after that she is going to expand in whole Europe.

No one saw her face yet, she has a lot of trusted people around herself. You can't reach her, she has to reach you.

Business world is going crazy. They are trying to find her, but they can't. Businessman's are giving money to get any kind of information about Katherina, but there is no use. The ones that know something won't tell. They are loyal, a little to much.

My father is happy knowing that she is still alive, but he is also worried. He says that person like her has to had some goal in her life. And she probably wants revenge.

But Christopher is one that shocked us the most. He said that his daughter died long time ago with his wife. He keeps saying she is six feet under. He is not the same anymore. Something happened to him. Everything I know about him is from my father. Two months ago somebody left the message in my office. I still remember everything that's written in it.

I am alive and you'll see me when the time comes. Until then I want you all to keep a close eye on my father Christopher Gold. He is under influence of strong drugs. He's not thinking rationally. He started forgetting things that happened. Our empire is going to crumble down. There is no use in saving it, so many lifes are at risk. Until I come back home I am asking you and your family to help me.

Sincerely Katherina Gold

I don't know what to think anymore. We've been looking everywhere for her, but she obviously doesn't want to be found. Of course we won't find her. She's been hiding for past ten years. But all of this is getting out of control. Things are not the same anymore.

Katherina Gold (Hart) POV.

Madrid, Spain

"Srita. Gold aquí están los archivos que ha solicitado. ¿Necesita algo más?[Ms. Gold here are all the files you requested. Do you need anything else?]" my assistant asked me.

"Llamad al piloto y decidle que debemos salir a Italia en dos horas.[Call the pilot and tell him we have to leave for Italy in two hours.]" I said scanning the files

"Lo haré en seguida.[I'll do that right away Ms.]" And with that she left.

Name: Marco De Luca

Birthday: 21st January

Education: currently at Colombia University, New York, USA

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