Chapter 17 - Mistake?

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Katherina's POV.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Ugh I want to break this phone right now. I thought opening my eyes just so I can close them the next second. Sun was shining so brightly, it literally burnt my eyes. I usually sleep with closed curtains. My thoughts were interrupted with light snoring beside me.

WAIT WHAT!? I opened my eyes in panic. This is not good I thought to myself. Looking around I saw huge bedroom. And of course most of my clothes were on the floor. I have to say this guy has taste. This room is beautiful and it has beautiful view.

I almost forgot about the guy that is lying on my left. His back was turned to me so it wasn't easy to see who was my one night stand. I decided to peek at him just a little hoping that I won't wake him up.

As if he was reading my mind he turned around but thankfully he was sleeping. I wasn't that happy when I looked at the person sleeping beside me. My one night stand was freaking Marco De Luca. My brain went in overdrive with this information. How the hell did this happen? I asked myself and then all events from last night came back to me.

Clubbing with Sarah. Drinking Angelo Azzurro that I despite right now so much. Dancing with Marco. Despacito playing in the background and the kiss. Kiss full of lust and desire. Possessive yet sweet. Hard but gentle. Simply mind blowing.

WAIT WHAT!? What am I even thinking. This is Marco De Luca we are talking about. I have to get out of here before he wakes up. Quickly getting up and putting back on the clothes I was wearing yesterday I looked around for my phone and purse. When I finally found them I took out two purple bills of five hundred Euros and quickly left them on a night stand with a note saying "See you soon lover boy." This will probably make him angry but it's not like I care. I am just wondering if he is going to remember who he slept with.

Taking my last glance at him I exited and quickly left his house. Some people call this walk of shame or something like that. I personally don't care but other people do. Looking at my phone I saw it was just a little over seven o'clock.

Weather outside is really nice for winter. It's a little bit chilly but hey this is Italy we are talking about. It's not cold as it could have been. For example if I was in Germany right now I would be freezing to death.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started ringing again. This time I answered because when Dante is calling you twice in a spawn of an hour it has to be something important. Sliding over green icon I quickly answered him. I think it would be smart to remind that he hates waiting just like me.

"KATHERINA" I heard him scream my name when I pressed phone to my ear. This idiot probably wants me deaf.

"Why are you screaming. I can perfectly hear you without screaming." I told him which probably wasn't the best idea because he is so mad right now. You wonder how I know that well it's really easy. He is a male version of me. I would be ready to kill if somebody told me this.

"Where the f*ck are you? Do you have any idea what you did last night?" He asked me fuming. I imagined his face now. It almost made me laugh.

"I was clubbing, then I had a one night stand with some guy." I answered him, because I don't need him to know that that guy was Marco De Luca, even if I have a feeling that he already knows who I slept with.

"Well I think you should know that your face together with your lover boy is in all tabloids. There are pictures of you two walking out of club hand in hand..." He continued speaking, but I wasn't listening. This is bad really bad I thought to myself. But the only thing I need right now is sleep. I can't deal with this at the moment.

"Thanks Dante, I'll call you later." I told him. Not even bothering to listen what he has to say. First step is taking taxi then going home. I need to sleep before I decide what to do whit all of this.


"KATHERINA WAKE UP!" Someone screamed in to my ear. And that person was Sarah. Of course she screamed in my ear. Who else in their right mind would do that and stay alive? Exactly! No one.

"What do you want?" I asked her whispering. All I ever wanted is to sleep and not to be interrupted by someone who likes to scream in to other people ear.

"Rinaaa you have to get up. You were sleeping all day. I don't understand how someone can sleep that long. I thought you were dead. Seriously do you even move when you sleep? Even your hair looks perfect. How is that even possible? No one could say that you just woke u-..."


"Yeah?" She finally stopped throwing questions at me.

"Shut up." I whined and when my head hit the pillow she screamed again. I didn't even understand what she said, but before I could say anything she started jumping on my bed. Oh my God. I can't sleep in my own house anymore. Next thing I did would probably surprise you or maybe not. It depends what you think of me. I threw a pineapple at her.

You probably wonder why would I hit her with a fruit or why the hell did I had a pineapple in my room. Let me tell you that she was super annoying with hersquealing and jumping on my bed without a reason and mostly because I am not in a good mood after someone wakes me up. For the pineapple part, well when I was going back home I stopped at the grocery store to buy pineapple, but I was to lazy to leave it in the kitchen so I just took it with me to my room.

"WHAT THE HELL KATHERINA?" She screamed at me. With her scream you would actually think that it hit her. Well for your information it didn't hit her. I missed her just by inch. It went flying out of my window. I think it hit some car because I hear an alarm going off. My thoughts were interrupted with pillow hitting me straight in the face.

And that is how our pillow fight started. But unfortunately it didn't last long. It was interrupted by my door bell. I hate door bells. I don't know why, but I just hate them.

Soon after my house keeper came to inform me that I have a visitor in my living room. She looked a little bit frightened.

Oh well, it's not nice to keep guests waiting. And with that I made my way to the living room. I was shocked to say at least. I was expecting Dante, but I definitely didn't expect him standing in my living room glaring at me.


I am soooo sorry for not updating sooner.

So Katherina had a one night stand with Marco. Shocking? Maybe. But the most important question is who is the visitor. She expected Dante, but not him. Do you have any idea who that him could be?





Looking for THE HEIRESSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora