Chapter 22 - Drama (part 2)

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to  @PurpleHeart_01 and @MissSzea for not giving up on me while I was absent. You should also check out their stories because they are awesome.

Also while reading this chapter listen to the song A partir the hoy. It's a new song from David Bisbal & Sebastian Yatra. I am kind of obsesed whit this song.



Katherina's POV.

Have you ever got a feeling that you want to get rid of someone so bad. Yes, no? Well I want to get rid of yet another b*tch that is crying behind my back right now. I should have brought my bodyguards with me, but no. Why would I bring them with me when I have time and nerves to deal with stupid people. If you didn't notice already I am very sarcastic this evening.

"Xander." I heard her saying his name or should I say nickname in disbelief.

"Shit." I heard Alexander curse under his breath before turning to face her. So he didn't plan this date for me, he planned it for her. How wonderful.

"Who are you and what are you doing with my boyfriend?" Came her bitchy voice. Wow is she bipolar or something. She was crying the past minute then she was in disbelief or something and now she is bitchy. Good enough for me. She is a good actress I'll give her that, but she is not better than me. And she said boyfriend, for Alexander? Who should I kill first her or him?

"I am sorry, I don't think I heard you right. Did you just say your boyfriend?" I asked her acting innocence.

"Yes, my boyfriend. Who the hell are you." She asked glaring at me. Alexander is watching her with wide eyes.

"Well sweetheart this guy here is my fiancé. Not your boyfriend, but my fiancé." I said to her and then her eyes widened and in the next second you were able to see evil smirk on her face.

"Your fiancé that you cheated on with Marco De Luca. You are the famous Katherina Hart? Oh please, both of them could do better than you. You are so ugly that my eyes hurt watching you." She said checking my appearance. By now we already had an attention of the guests in the restaurant.

"I am not a mirror. And trust me I know that I am far better than you. What person goes for a taken man? I hate girls like you, girls who try stealing somebody's boyfriend or fiancé or even husband when their girlfriend isn't with them." I told her looking her in the eyes and soon enough she started crying crocodile tears. I am not an idiot to believe her, but Alexander is completely other story.

"You told me you are going to break up with her. You told me this morning that you'll leave her for me. She fucking cheated on you and you are forgiving her. Her lover was Marco De Luca. Of all people on the world it had to be him and you hate him. You despite each other because he t-..." Before she could continue Alexander interrupted her.

"Shut up." His voice boomed through the restaurant. "We never cheated on each other. She didn't cheat on me with him and I didn't cheat on her with you. The ring on her left hand states that I love her. That she is the love of my life and I am ready to settle with her." Before anything else could be said he grabbed my hand and led me out of the restaurant.

Soon enough we were surrounded by paparazzi and flashing cameras. How exciting. I already know that I'll be on all front pages tomorrow morning in Italy. I wonder who am I going to piss of next. Might be Marco or even my dearest daddy who obviously had forgotten that I existed. Whit that I sit in the car and we drove off.


"Rina I -..." Alexander started saying before I interrupted him. I don't want to hear his apologies. We both made mistakes and if somebody should be apologizing it would be me. After all I am the one that's using him.

"What's done is done. I was thinking this morning that we should take off from where we left our relationship, but I think it would be better if we started from beginning." I said looking at him sincerely. I need to make things right. If not for him, then I have to do it for me. I am starting to lose myself. I don't know who I am anymore. After few moments of him looking at me he finally decided to open his mouth and let the words flow.

"Hello I am Alexander Ambrossio and I have health problems." I looked at him weirdly for a few seconds because he sounded like he is here for group consulting, but I answered his question.

"I am Katherina Hart, but people usually call me Rina. What health problems do you have." I asked him skeptically. God knows what his answer will be.

"My doctor told me that I am lacking vitamin U." At his answer I started laughing my head of. He firstly used a pick up line, secondly the pick up line was cheesy and thirdly he did it wrong. But hey who am I to judge. It's the thought that counts am I right or no?

"Well Mr. Ambrossio I think we'll have to do something about that." I said whispering lightly in his ear. I felt him shiver under my touch. That made me smirk. And one thing more, don't think that just guys smirk after all as you can see there are girls like me. We are rare, but we are definitely worth it.

"What do you have in mind Ms. Hart he crocked out."

"This." I said untying his tie and throwing it while pushing him on the bed.

After that I believe you can guess what happened. I meant it's not like I am some kind of saint. We definitely didn't sleep that night. And let me just tell you it was worth it. He is not for nothing the famous Italian playboy. But he unfortunately decided to mess with the wrong girl.

There are so many life lessons. And one of them is that nothing is what it seems like it is. What you see is not what you get. You always have to be ready for surprises. Some of them are good and others are bad. The closer we look the less we see. Basing on one thing is exactly something like not noticing the things around us. We can miss on so many things and happenings. Luckily I learned my mistake the first time and I am not going to do it again.


I sincerely apologize for being inactive for such a long time. I was busy and this chapter was half written and now I decided to finish it.

Once again I am really sorry for such a long wait. I know this chapter is not something special but others will be better.

Now that I am back I have so many ideas for this book and I really hope that you'll like them.

P.S. Thank you for 3.2K readers and 1.1K votes. It really means a lot. And not to forget all the comments.


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