But You're My StepBrother?! (boyxboy)

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Im sitting in last period class on a friday. Its 2:45, 15 minutes before freedom. In exactly 14 minutes and 59 seconds, i will be free. free for two whole weeks. free from school. free from this crappy uniform. free from all those idiots. why? because its the Easter Holidays. and im going to my soon-to-be-dads and soon-to-be-stepbrothers house with my mom and bestfriend for the the two week. The best part? My soon-to-be-dad is loaded with cash! He lives in New York, in a mansion. Well, it has a lot of rooms and a swimming pool. plus, in the basement is the game room. and indoor swimming pool. I havent seen that dude for more than 15 minutes on a video call, but i already know ill love him.

His son is apparently the same age as me. Thats all i know about him. i dont even know his name.


I look up to see the teacher, Mrs Floids looking at me.

"Uhhh?" i ask, a bit dazzled.

"Pay attention to my class!" she screams at me.

"Im sorry. But; English is not my stuff." i say, in a bored tone. i know i can't get detention, as our principal made a rule that teachers are not to give detentions before holy events or holidays.

"Then it better start being 'your st-" the bell cuts her of and i raise an eyebrow at her while heading to the door. She lets out a fustrated scream and stomps away.

Oh, and sorry for not introducing myself. Im Noah Carter. Im 16, 17 in a week. I have the greenies eyes outof the whole family. I also have black, to the side hair. Im a tipical sarcastic person, and a tipical B graded student. very original. i know.


"Noah! Get your ass down here and lemme hug ya to death!"

i look at myself in the mirror. Sunglasses, 3 ear Piercings on my left ear , black skinny jeans, black vans, black Pierce The Veil shirt and a black cap. Ontop of that i put on a grey Pierce The Veil hoodie.

"Noah! hurry! "

i laugh to myself and run down the stairs.

"You look like a tipical emo kid..." mumbles Rose, my best friend.

"You don't look too bad yourself..." i say, checking her out. she was wearing black shorts, a SKRILLEX IS SEXY black shirt and my black beanie with black and white converse. Her straight emo hair falling down to her waist and covering her eye liner on her beautiful green eyes. We were besties, but you can call us twins.

"Hurry up, your mom is waiting in her car. take your keys. Im going to NEW YORK biches!" she says, running outof the house and into my car. i shake my head and follow her.  I enter the packed with bags car and turn my music on. 'Bangarang' by Skrillex is playing. Rose cheers and does matching noises to the music. I see my moms car speeing off so i follow on.


After 5 hours straight of listening to Pierce The Veil. Skrillex, Linkin Park and Bring Me The Horizon we finally arrived. It was a plain, white house. But it sure was the size of my house, but 3x bigger. It had a wooden porch around it. also, there were plants on the porch. A fountain and two benches. On one bench sat a man. i recognized his grey and black hair. It was Luke. My soon-to-be-dad. My mom ran outof the car and jumped into his arms.

"Hey,um.. Noah?" says Rose in a terrified voice. My protectivness gets over me and i move towards her, putting my arms around her.

"Are you okay?! whats wrong?" i ask. She looks a bit pale,and fright is in her eyes.

"Those boys..." she says pointing at four boys around 17 sitting on a brick wall. They were drinking and looking straight at Rose. I know them. They harrased Rose back in our town.

"I get it. wait here." i say, shutting my door of the car and jumping out. I looked at the boys and yelled -

"Hey! Dickheads! Move before i run you over!"

they just stared, and laughed. i waked towards Roses side of the car, opened her door and picked her out bridal style. she sqealed

"Noah! Put me down! I can walk!" she said, putting her arms tightly around my neck.

"Nah. i like how close you are." i said making her blush. i walked towards Luke and Mom.

"Uhh, Noah! what did i tell you about your launguage?!" My mom says, very pissed off.

"Soz mom. Hey Luke!" i say, taking my hand from Roses bottom and setting her down. Luke and i did the manly handshake.

"Hello, Mr.Green. Im Rose. Noahs bestfriend. " said Rose, offering him her hand to shake it. He shakes it saying -

"Ah, its a pleasure. Please, call me Luke. " He smiles. Rose smiles back.


At about 8pm, we were unpacked and very sleepy. I didnt even see the so called Jay, Lukes son. so i decided to ask during tea.

"Uh, Luke? Wheres Jay?" i ask, eating my steak.

"Ah. Yes, he is at his friends. He will come home in the morning. Sorry about that. He is always like that. " He says, smiling. i nod.

"Alright. Um, im a bit tired. Hey Rose, wanna go inside my room and watch a movie?"i ask. Rose nodds and we excuse ourself from the table. Rose gets changed in to her grey PJs bottoms and a white tank top. I wear my grey PJs bottoms but no shirt. I sit on my bed, which is on the left of the room. Jays is the one on the right.

I turn on White Chicks on our wall TV, which is in the middle of our beds. I lie down and Rose lies her head on my chest. We watch half of the movie and both fall asleep.


I woke up to the sound of Go To Hell For Heavens Sake by BMTH. It was far too loud. I look at the TV, and see that it is 4:30am. Theres a boy sitting on the other bed. Rose is still on my chest. i throw a pillow at the boy. smack!

"Owww! What the fuck?!" he says turning his head in my direction.

"Dude. i fucking love that song. But turn that shit down!" i whisper/yell. Not wanting to wake up Rose.

"Uh,why ? " he asks stubornly.

"Its fucking 4:30 am!"

He turns it off and sits on his bed. Thats when i notice that he is wearing only boxers. my eyes scan his body.

"Checking me out?" says the boy. my eyes snap to his face. He has a smirk.

"N-no!" i shout.

"Sure. But, your girlfriend wouldnt like that your checking out another dude." his smirk grows bigger.

"Shes noty girlfriend! shes my best friend!" i say.

he puts his hands up in mock surrender.

"Sure..." he smirks.

i decide to ignore him and go back to sleep.


Thank Yooou for reading :* i hope you like the next chapter :P

*Instert more boring crap to make this AN longer here*


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