Journey To Roses Home Part 1

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" WA! TU TU TU TU ALRITE ZU ZU ZU ZU BANGARANG!" Sang Rose, Along with Bangarang-Skrillex. I was in my car with Jay and Rose, taking her home. 5 hours there and 5 back... You might be wondering why Jay is with me. Well, my dearies mother insised that Jay would go with us because we don't know the New York roads.

"Shut the fuck up!" Shouts Jay from the back, trying to sleep. Rose puts the volume up to its highest. Jay groans and shifts on his seat trying to get comfortable.

"Okay Rose that enough." i say, turning the music off.

"Bitch! No one turns my babes music off!" click And its back on.








"Rose stop crying." groans Jay.

"Fuck you hoe! Carlos just saw Marie cheat on him!" shouts Rose, this time she is in the back using my laptop to watch her French show.

"What the fuck are you watching?!"

He asks, very irritated.

"Some fucking French Romance." i mumble. Annoyed with them argueing.

"Its not some French Romance! Its Carlito Carlos Et Julie Marie Romance! " she starts sobbing again.

"Hey Noah, stop at some gas station. I'm on my period and i need chocolates." she mumbles.

i sigh and search the sighns for anything.

"Theres one in 15 miles." says Jay, looking at a sign.


"Hurry up." I say to Rose, who is searching for something to eat in the bagguets and sandwiches section.

"Look Rose, we got our food. Make your mind up. We will wait outside." Says Jay. I got a bad feeling about this.

I follow Jay through the exit door. As soon as we are outside, Jays stops me and pushes me agains the wall.

"Woah Jay..?" i ask, a bit dizzy from the sudden movement.

"We need to talk." He says, so close to my face.

"Ok?" i say, but it comes out more as a question.

sigh..."look, what did that night mean to you? Did it mean nothing?"

Oh shit. He is talking about that night...

"Uh.. well... It...was a misunderstanding." i mumble. His face inches away from mine.

"Misunderstanding?! Fuck! i might have been drunk, but i saw that you wanted it! Look me in the eye and say that it was wrong!" He shouts. I do as im told, i look in his eye. But, i somehow can't say that it didn't mean anything.

"I....I can't" i mumble, afraid that he will hear. His eyes go wide, and before i know it, his lips attack mine. I respond to the kiss, putting my hands around his neck. He puts them around my waist. Suddently, his soft tounge invades my mouth. This feels so nice... like fireworks are exploding inside me.

"Guys, thats really hot, but my buritto is getting cold." Complains a voice besides us. ROSE!

"Uh, R-Rose! Heey...." i said, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. She put her hand on her hip, giving me the 'you got cought' look.

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