New School, New Life.

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Before i start, we have an actual chapter!I so diserve a cookie...

I will delete all chapters which have 'NOT AN UPDATE" As the title. Just for future readers ;)

I won't miss those 5 votes i got on them, but if you could, vote this chapter more :3 <3

I truely don't mind a new school. Ya know, you have to grow up and just have fun. But, i had a very, very weird feeling about this school. Not only that Jay is probaby the most popular kid in school, but from what i heard he is a player. See? We are just startied going out and im already having second thoughts. Its not like i don't like Jay. But, im comfused. By like, do i mean love? or brotherly love? This whole relationship feels so wrong in so many ways.

"Noah!" Shouted my mom. I took one last look in the mirror and ran downstairs.

"Yes?!"I ask, trying to put on my shoes while walking.

"Jay is already waiting for you in the car." She says from the kitchen, chopping some vegetables, probably for dinner.

"Okay, thanks". She comes up to me and hugs me. I awkwardly hug her back.

"Have a good day at your new school son, don't get into any trouble and remember your manners. Also, ask Jay for anything, like classes, times and teachers. Try to make new friends. " She said, blabbing on. I rolled my eyes, pulling away from the hug.

"I get it..." I mumbled, picking up my backpack and heading for the door. "I love you!" She shouted after me. I stopped in my tracks, its being a while since we said that to eachother. A small smile creeped on to my face.

"I-I love you too, mom." i said quitely, exiting the house and looking around for Jays car.  I saw it parked neatly infront of the house. I smiled at Jay, who was leaning agains the car waiting for me, he smiled back.

"Hey, ready for the first day?" He asks, pushing himself off the car and opening the drivers door.

"Yep." i say, popping the p and walking around the car to my seat.


We arrive at school. First thing i notice is that Jay is dressed.. hm, how to put it... not like him? Instead of his baggy jeans, plain hoodie and shirt, he is wearing ripped skinny jeans, a white muscle shirt and a leather jacket with new converse high tops. he looks hot. compared to him, i feel useless. Well, im in my usual black skinny jeans, black hoodie with rolled up sleeves and a bunch of multi-colour bracelets. With that, my white vans. I look normal, he looks like a hot badboy.

I get out of the car, and turn around to find Jay already heading towards a group of boys and girls. Maybe thats the populars.Well, now forsure i won't have Jays help..

I look around and spot a girl with blonde hair, pulled back into a messy ponytail. She is wearing blue skinny jeans and a grey hoodie with that she has pink converse. She looks friendly, but theres no one near her. It looks as if everyone is avoiding her. I ignore the stares and walk towards the blonde girl.

'' Hi there." I say, giving her my best smile. She looks shocked at first, but then smiles back.

"Hey." She says. Her voice sounds lovely. so angelic. Almost british.

"Im Noah and im new here. i was wondering if you could help me finding my way around here?" I ask, putting my hand out for her to shake. She shakes it and says-

"Im Catherine. I've only been here about a term, but i know my way around. Im happy to help." She says; smiling. Her smile is cautagious, as i smile back.

"Great. First, where to i get my time table?" I ask, looking around. I suddently feel a hand intertvined with my own. I look down to find Catherine holding it.

"At the reseption, you dummy. follow me."She says. as soon as she says it, she speeds of towards the building dragging me behind.

I try my best to ignore the weird looks from people. Catherine slowly slows down, and i realise that we are in a room, with a desk and some chairs. By the desk sits a woman, looking bored as ever. She looks like a witch, having a pointy nose, a black spot on it and bright, but dull, red lipstick. with that she is in a grey womans suit. Her brown, but slighty grey, hair is in a doughnut bun ontop of her head. Basicly, she looks icy and terrifing.

"Hello there my favourite person in the whole world! Did ya miss me, Miss Wichens?!" Asks Catherine, with her great smile and angelic voice.

"No." Replies the old lady. Well, thats kinda mean...

"Aw, still on that great mood i see! Well, Missy, i got this new student and he need his time table." Says Catherine, sitting down on the desk.

"Name." Says ther grumply reseptionis.

"Uh, Noah. Noah Carter. "

"Oooo, what a very original name. " Says Catherine. "We got like 20 Noah Carters here. " She says, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Here." Says the grumpy teacher, giving me a piece of paper. As soon as its in my hands, catherine jumps off the desk and grabs my hand again.

"Well, that was lovely chatting to you miss. I have to take this young child to his first lesson. Farawell, and use that cream that i told you to use for that black spot. Goodbye, asta la vista babe, whatever." She says, dragging me outside.

"I don't understand that teacher... anyway, give me that paper." She says, grabbing the paper out of my hands.

"Hm.. what have ya got here.. double science .... double PE... Geography and RE... well that a crappy timetable.. But hey, you got science, geo and RE with me!" She says, and i just stare at the sheet in her hands.


After sciene, during my break i head to PE department. Just before science Catherine showed me around sschool. i have the small idea where things are now and im not as comfused. I havw this feeling, down deep in my stomach. I think its worry, or protective ness. I also didn't see Jay for the whole 2 hours. i guess in over reacting, its school with over 1,000 pupils in it. Also, its only been two hours. what could have happened in two hours?... I turn around the corner as soon as the bell goes and i enter the changing rooms. on the left is the girls, and on the right is the boys. I turn right, and see a man who probably was our teacher.

"Excuse me? Im new here." I say to the man.

"Ah, yes. Noah. Im Mr.Bulf but call me Sir. Go get changed boy." He says, patting me on the back.

"Sir, its my first day and i didnt know i had PE. I didnt pack my PE kit." I mumble.

"Well boy, theres some spare in the box at the back of the changing rooms. Get changed and ill introduce you to class later." he asks. i mumble a ok and walk inside the changing rooms. I find the spare pe clothes and get dressed in them. Its a plain white shirt and black shorts. I exit the nearly empty changing rooms, but freeze as soon as im outside. My eyes go wide in shock, and my mouth hangs open.


Sorry for the wait, i 've moved houses recently and had to paint it all, do the floors, doors, windows, furniture, etc... i feel tired ;-;

Who can guess what happened? :D

Im also doing a new cover for the book!

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